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Content Marketing

Apt Content Optimization: Improve Traffic on Published Blogs

Do you ever think about what to do with the old blog posts?


Are you one of those agencies that focuses more on pumping out new content?    

Then, you might be surprised by the fact that optimizing the already published content will generate more leads for your business.    

Yes, It’s true! Updating already published blogs can result in increased traffic rate by approximately 87% 

Your target audience may regularly visit that old content. However, you haven’t even touched them since they were published. So, the right time is here to update them, as you haven’t done it hitherto, and it could have an adverse impact on your entire content marketing strategy.   

Benefits of Content Optimization  

Before we take a deep dive into the sea of content optimization in digital marketing, let’s have a closer look at why you should do it.   

Boost User Experience  

Your old blog might have a lot of problems, such as:   

  • Broken links,    
  • Over-populated content with few or no subheadings,    
  • Poor quality images   
  • Not mobile-friendly, etc.   

Therefore, when you go to your blog for some workarounds, you can identify the broken links with the help of Ahrefs and make some amendments to your content piece.    

Including multi-media content in your SEO-optimized blog is one of the great ideas to extend your reach. And while you are revising the written content, you can also make it more attractive by eliminating poor-quality images with rich media such as infographics, videos, etc. Fortunately, we have a handful of tools, such as Canva, Pexels, and Unsplash, to make infographics, videos, and gifs without being a seasoned designer. Apart from this, adding headings & sub-headings to your blog is also a great practice to make it more user-friendly.   

Most importantly, in today’s mobile-friendly world, your entire website must be mobile-friendly as the mobile is the device we hugely rely on over laptops and desktops.

Ultimately, incorporating these hacks into your blog will ensure that anyone reading your content has a great user experience.  

Improve Your Brand’s Credibility  

In “Inventing Anna,” a show on Netflix, there is a scene when Vivian (a journalist) discusses the content and the internet with her husband. She says, “People forget, but people use Google… And Google never forgets.”   

And as a marketer, you can quickly resonate with this line!   

It is pretty easy for us to quickly forget the old, published blogs once we have a full-fledged website with lots of content, but Google never forgets. 

A great piece of content will help boost your E.A.T. (expertise, authority, and trust) on different search result pages. It means that your old piece of content can still be reflected in the searches, even if information is a bit dated. And ultimately can improve your brand’s reputation Infront of the target audience. But old blogs having incorrect information can sabotage your brand’s reputation.  

Raises Your Click-Through Rate (CTR)  

If two content pieces are reflected in the searches, and one was recently published- which one will be picked by the user? What do you think?   

In the world of SEO, fresh content is one of Google’s ranking factors. Google will exude the recently published content at the top of the searches. Always remember that you can’t trick Google’s algos. You just need to re-do the publishing date of the blog to take advantage. Search engine crawling is based on some imperative content amendments paired up with the date change.   

Keeps Your Website SEO-Friendly  

Google updates its algorithm several times a year, and some of the changes can significantly impact the ranking and traffic of your content. Making changes according to the new rules and latest developments can make your website SEO-friendly.   

Additionally, frequent updates to your content will make Google quickly index your website. It shows that search engines want regular content updates to make their crawlers swing again & again.   

Revive Your Already Published Content  

Reviving an old blog post as per the SEO is not a one-step process. It’s time to turn your content into a masterpiece. Let’s have a look at how you can upgrade your content with a few steps.   

Gather the Complete Data & Find the Right Pages to Update  

Revive published content

The first & foremost question is which blog posts are required to be optimized.  

Well, hopefully, you are tracking many different metrics to figure it out.   

The first step you require to take is to hop on Google Analytics. To find out the most popular pages on your website, you need to go under Behavior>Site Content>All Pages. Apart from knowing the popular pages, you will also learn different things like bounce rate, C.T.R., and average time on a page. You can even export this spreadsheet for further use.   

Once you have gathered all the data, it’s time to research it to proceed further in this journey of content optimization. Here are a few kinds of pages to look for:  

Former Popular Content  

These are the blogs that performed well earlier in terms of ranking, earned links, shares over different social media platforms, etc., but now the traffic and search rank of those particular pages have gone down.   

High Traffic but Low Conversions  

These are the blogs that have high traffic but a low conversion rate. These pages have the potential to bring leads and signups. Therefore, you can optimize these pages according to the SEO guidelines to get them on the right track.  

Low Traffic but High Conversions  

Blogs with low traffic but high conversion value come under this category. So, it’s time for you to work around the traffic that will ultimately contribute to increased traffic.  

Excess of anything is not good. So, it’s better to pick 10 to 30 pages in the beginning. You can always do more later.   

Upgrade Your Keyword Research  

Keyword research is something we call the basic building block & the backbone of any SEO strategy. So, take it seriously!  

It is possible that a keyword or phrase that was popular ten to twelve months ago might not get the same amount of traffic today. Consequently, it is crucial to re-optimize your content repeatedly according to the latest keywords and search phrases.   

While updating your keyword strategy, you will also find a few of the relevant keywords that are popular today. Make sure that you don’t miss even the secondary keyword to rectify your blog’s stats. Here is the step-by-step procedure to get the new keywords for your content with Google Search Console:  

  • Under Google Search Console, go to the Performance Report.  
  • Now you need to click on the filter rows icon, select Position, and then Smaller than icon & put in 21.   
  • Click on the search query that displays up, and then click on Pages to see which pages are exuding up in the search for them.   

Additionally, to check out the suggested keywords for your pages, you can put your pages into the Google Keyword Planner. And then, you will get to know a few more key phrases for which you have not optimized your blog. Especially take a thorough note of long-tail keywords, as they are easier to rank.   

Keyword clustering is something that you need to look for after doing keyword research. Most of the time, while researching keywords, we end up with only one focus keyword on each of our pages. In fact, Yoast SEO also works in this manner and asks for focus keywords whenever we create content. However, rather than ranking for only one keyword, web pages rank for more than one keyword. Here comes the need for keyword clustering.   

Keyword clustering is combining a whole list of keywords that we are using to target your blog post instead of targeting just one single keyword or keyphrase.    

Identifying Search Intent  

Along with making a list of keywords, you also need to identify the search intent of those keywords. This is one of the major contributing factors to the ranking of the content. In layman’s terms, search intent is the actual reason behind the user’s search query. It is something that makes us understand the stage of a customer in the buyer’s journey.   

So, when a user types a few keywords, what do they actually need? Do they come to get information about a particular topic? Or are they looking to buy something? Hence, rather than just focusing on keyword research, you need to understand the user’s ultimate motive for exploring the internet. Understanding this will assist you in creating the most relevant content for your target audience.   

Identifying the search intent with the help of tools such as Keyword Magic Tool (Semrush), Cognitive SEO, etc., is more manageable and accurate than doing it manually.  

Revamp Your Headlines  

Did you know 8 out of 10 people only read the headlines of your blog post?   

Yes, it’s right!   

Revamping the old headlines and adding some new eye-catching headlines to your content is a great way to grab the eyeballs of the users. As aforementioned, up-to-date content attracts more clicks, and you can reap the benefits of it by making some changes in your headlines to show it has recently been updated. You can even include P.A.A. (People Also Ask) in your content as a headline or as F.A.Q.s in the last section of your blog post. This will assist you in displaying long-tail keywords where people usually look for the latest content. So, don’t underestimate the power of headlines.   

Content Updation  

Now here comes the favorite part of any writer, i.e., adding some new updates to the old content. No matter whether you want to make a few changes or a lot of changes to your existing content, here is what you need to look for:  

Broken Links  

While checking for broken links, ensure that your outbound links are working correctly and are all linked to current pages. This will help you to eliminate broken links from your blog posts, which is one of the alarming signs for SEO.   

Accurate Data  

Keep your eye on any stats, or research you have included. Check out if there are any updates to those stats or research since you have posted your blog. This enables you to make your content more accurate as you maintain your information’s credibility.  

Grammar and Spellings  

With time, you become better at crafting content than before. Reviving your content is an ideal way to showcase your improved version of writing (grammar, formatting, spelling, vocabulary), making the audience consume your content more easily.   

High-Quality Visuals  

Place your content one step ahead of the competition by incorporating some compelling images. Replace simple images with videos & gifs as they are in trend. Additionally, if there are any graphs in your content, upgrade them to their latest version.  

New Internal Links  

Since you published your old article, now you might have a number of new articles. You can link them in your old content according to their relevancy. As a result, the structuring of your site and dwell time also increases. But make sure to follow the best SEO link practices to limit the links per page to a reasonable number. 

Still confused about what to do first to update your content?  

Check out your competitors and see what & how they are doing to make their content better. This will let you proceed in the right direction.  

On-Page SEO is a Must  

Optimizing your website’s individual pages helps you rank higher in SERP (Search Engine Result Pages) and boosts relevant traffic to your site. It means paying close attention to the following:  

  • Main keyword in the title, meta description, URL, and headings.  
  • Embed secondary keywords in H2 and H3.  
  • Make sure that all the internal & external links are working correctly, relevant, and up to date.  
  • Image optimization is equally important for SEO.  

If you doubt your SEO skills, you can take the help of any content analysis tool.  

Improve Your CTA 

If your content is old, probably the chances are high that your CTA (Call to Action) is no longer up to date. You may have some products now that better fit your topic, or maybe there was no need for a lead generation part when you wrote your blog earlier. Exact phrases can also be used in CTA to convince the buyer to take the final step.  

Sort it Out Via Suggestions 

Before you post the updated content, go through the comment section because, over time, you have a lot of comments. However, not all of them are useful. But you can consider the valuable comments to make amendments to your content piece.   

There is some spam as well in the comment section; just delete it so that it will become helpful for the new users coming to your website.   

Update the Post Date & Promote it 

Finally, the thing that you need to do before pushing your content is to change its date. As aforementioned, this is an effective way to get netizens to click on your posts while they are browsing the internet.   

After updating the content and post-date, it’s time to promote your existing post!  

One of the first step in this series is requesting Google to recrawl your content. You can do so via Google Search Console. Request for crawling of a particular URL, go to URL Inspection tool > Request Indexing. 

This will improve your page’s ranking. Additionally, you can also promote the updated version of your old blog over different social media platforms.   

Final Words  

Revamping old content is not as tricky as it might appear at first. You just need to pause for some time on your publishing articles; check out the blog posts you have already published. However, this is not the only blogging strategy that you need to follow. It is equally essential to push new content to your website to get traffic and conversions from your site.  

Have you ever updated your old content?  

Let others know in the comment section if you followed any other approach for content optimization.  

Have a Happy Blogging! 


Optimizing content according to Google’s latest algos is one of the best practices to follow to get your pages to rank higher in SERP. The more you optimize your content & product pages, the higher the chances that you will receive more impressions and clicks on your website. If you use the right schema code by incorporating the right keywords, your content piece will be more discoverable over the internet.

  • Boost User Experience
  • Improve Your Brand’s Credibility
  • Raises Your Click-Through Rate (CTR)
  • Keeps Your Website SEO-Friendly

SEO optimization of blog posts assists you in consistently boosting more traffic to your website. Therefore, by using the following tactics, you can improve traffic on old blogs:

  • Collect the Data & Identify the Right Pages to Update
  • Upgrade Your Keyword Research
  • Identifying Search Intent
  • Revamp Your Headlines
  • Content Updation
  • On-Page SEO is a Must
  • Improve Your CTA
  • Sort it Out Via Suggestions
  • Update the Post Date & Promote it

As you all know, search engines are the largest source of website traffic, so focusing on SEO optimization can be very valuable to your brand. On the other hand, if you simply write & post your blog and do not optimize the earlier written blogs, then for sure, you are limiting the amount of traffic that you are getting and the money you are making.

If you write effectively about a subject that a great number of people are interested in, then you will definitely end up with huge traffic on your website. So, increase your website’s traffic by following these tips:

  • Use keyword research to determine ideal topics to blog about
  • Focus on crafting long-form content for your blog.
  • Keep your content new by revamping existing blog posts.
  • Incorporate great images with your blog posts.
  • Blog Optimization for search engines
  • Capture email addresses
  • Facilitate social sharing
  • Boost comments and user engagement.
  • Create quality backlinks.

Good luck with having great website traffic!

Content generation is a buzzword in almost every marketer’s mouth. It is a process of generating content that attracts the buyer persona. A content creator is one who is responsible for the ideation, crafting, and distribution of the content that links a business to its target audience.

Content optimization is a complete process to make sure that the content is crafted in a way that it can reach a large audience. The content optimization process includes numerous steps, such as adding meta and title tags, relevant links, etc.


Aligning your Business, Brand and Marketing Strategies for Success

Want to unlock your company’s potential? Have you ever assessed the output of every effort made by you and your team?  

Well, maybe you have an excellent marketing strategy in mind; however, you have not aligned it till now with your business goals.  

So, now is the time to align your business, digital and brand marketing strategies for the growth of your business and eventually establish yourself as a successful brand in your respective sector. This ensures that marketing initiatives planned for a specific time frame will significantly influence the “big picture” of your brand.  

Need for Alignment of Business, and Marketing Strategies! 

It’s advantageous for your marketing crew to be more accountable if your marketing operations are coordinated with business objectives. In addition to helping, you spontaneously produce key performance indicators (KPIs) that show whether or not you are doing it properly; it adds up to highly measurable strata.  

By carefully aligning your marketing goals, you can significantly enhance organizational productivity and efficiency. Your team will work as a cohesive unit with a clear direction if all your employees work for the same defined purposes. Also, you will find that your team members work cohesively as an organized association for the same ultimate objective, i.e., success.  

How to Align Your Business, Brand, and Marketing Strategies for Success?  

A competitive benefit is something unique to a business or industry that cannot be easily imitated. The internally created value is what differentiates the business from its rivals.  

It would be best if you choose your business strategy before you can create your marketing strategy and plan. Probably, you are already familiar with Michael Porter and his strategic ideas. Your company’s vision, priorities, and the efforts that must be carried out in order to succeed are all outlined in your business plan.   

He is renowned for stating, “The strategy targets either cost leadership, distinctiveness, or focus.” These three generic strategies of Porter can be used in any type or size of business.   

Choosing a method to bring about a desired future is the essence of strategy. That makes clear both what you will do and what you won’t.  

Now the most crucial question is how you align the different strategies to make your business a complete blockbuster. Here are a few ways to grab it:  

Thorough Understanding of Your Brand  

Undoubtedly, every brand should be based on a set of core values & aspirations, such as what is its ultimate objective? How do you like your business to be seen by your consumers?   

You wouldn’t believe that even goal setting is so crucial; still, majority of businesses fail to achieve strategic objectives.   

Once you have analyzed the ultimate goal of your business, it is now imperative for you to align your business activities accordingly. This is crucial because a misaligned online marketing strategy results in a big failure for your brand and gives you a setback.  

Know Your Audience  

Understanding your client’s needs and how to deliver your product or service to them most efficiently are crucial for corporate success in any venture. You must learn so much more about these people than just their names, ages, genders, and salaries since your understanding of them must be so in-depth.   

Understanding what your customers want to watch, listen to, and read, as well as their hobbies and interests, can give you a competitive edge. You must use all the information, including knowledge about your customers’ purchasing patterns.  

Refine Your Brand Messaging  

Brand messaging is crucial to your business’s success. It is an essential component of your overall marketing plan and can improve client relations. Even the best messages periodically need to be modified because not all messages are made equal. You can refine your brand messaging by creating an irresistible call to action & test, testing the message in different channels, testing your message against competitors’ messages, and finally refining your message till you are satisfied with the results.   

Define Your Competitive Benefit  

From the customer’s perspective, a company’s competitive end is what distinguishes it from its competitors. The term “competitive advantage” is company’s capability to produce goods or offer services more fruitfully than its rivals. It enables a business to produce value for the business and its shareholders while achieving more significant margins. 

 Bottom Line  

In conclusion, integrating digital marketing strategy with organizational objectives is essential for any business to succeed. Businesses may make sure that their marketing initiatives closely coordinate with their overall goals, target audience, and KPIs by adhering to these tried-and-true tips.   

Companies can successfully advertise their goods or services to the appropriate audience and produce the results they want by using a clearly defined marketing plan, ongoing evaluation, and improvements.   

Businesses may drive development, boost revenue, and eventually develop a powerful brand that connects with their target audience by merging online marketing strategy with business objectives.  


The best branding strategy is one that aligns with the company's values, resonates with the target audience, and communicates a unique value proposition. It involves creating a cohesive brand identity, utilizing consistent messaging across all touchpoints, building emotional connections with customers, and adapting to market trends while staying true to the brand's core essence. 

A brand strategy is important because it defines a company's identity, differentiates it from competitors, and guides all marketing efforts. It fosters customer trust, loyalty, and emotional connections, ultimately leading to increased brand recognition, customer retention, and long-term business success. 

Brand marketing examples include memorable logos like Nike's swoosh, emotional advertising campaigns like Coca-Cola's "Share a Coke," and engaging social media presence like Wendy's witty tweets. These strategies reinforce brand identity, resonate with audiences, and cultivate lasting connections with consumers. 

The benefits of branding include increased brand recognition, customer loyalty, and trust. It enables companies to differentiate themselves in the market, charge premium prices, attract new customers through referrals, and build a positive brand image that leads to long-term business growth and success.

The role of branding in marketing is to create a unique and consistent identity for a company or product. It helps differentiate the brand, build emotional connections with the target audience, and foster customer loyalty, thereby influencing purchase decisions and long-term customer relationships. 

The ability to maintain a cohesive identity across all touchpoints, from visual elements to messaging is the key to brand recognition and trust. Besides, it is consistency that helps establish a strong brand image, leading to increased customer loyalty and a distinct market position. 

Brand marketing is necessary because it creates a unique identity and emotional connection with consumers. It enhances brand recognition, builds trust, and differentiates a product or service from competitors. Effective brand marketing leads to increased customer loyalty, greater market share, and long-term business success. 

Digital marketing strategy is a comprehensive plan outlining how businesses leverage online channels to reach their target audience, achieve marketing objectives, and foster brand growth. It involves tactics like SEO, content marketing, social media, email campaigns, and data analysis to drive engagement and conversions. 

Customer Retention

Customer Retention: Strategies & Lessons from 7 Industry Giants 

Are you among those for whom customer loyalty and retention are elusive? 

And, you are here to explore the best customer retention marketing services to attract the right customers for your business? 

Being a business owner, you probably know that the key to your business growth is not only bringing new customers but it is about retaining the existing customers.   

Stats show that the probability of selling a product to an existing customer is 60-70%. Whereas for a prospect it stays at only 5-20%. 

So, now you completely understand the gravity of loyal customers and therefore don’t want to let them go.  

If I ask, what can you do to get your customers engaged with your brands, apart from just giving them discounts? 

Sadly, you don’t have any magic pointer to keep them involved with your brand.  

Don’t worry! 

There is a hand full of customer retention management and loyalty lessons that you can learn from the industry giants to keep your consumers with you. 

You just need to unlock your growth with the correct customer retention strategies.  


The global coffee giant is at the top of its game regarding their customer retention services because they are always busy exploring unique ways to offer the best customer experience. Customers loved Starbucks earlier as well, but ever since they implemented its rewards program, their popularity has been touching the sky. In the third quarter of 2021, Starbucks added more than 1 million new users.   


The customer retention marketing services of Starbucks are mind blowing. They reward program awards its consumers with “stars.” Consumers can earn stars and receive even more with every purchase if they buy specific items or fulfill other parameters during a specific period. What a customer can have with its Starbucks stars:  

  • 25 stars: Customize your drink  
  • 50 stars: Brewed hot coffee, handcrafted drink, hot tea, hot breakfast, bakery items, or parfait  
  • 200 stars: Lunch sandwich, salad, or protein box   
  • 400 stars: Select merchandise or get at-home coffee  

Starbucks program is killing it having more funds than some banks.   

Now, imagine the success of their program!  

Approximately 58.7% of netizens think earning rewards and loyalty points is one of the most appreciated aspects of the shopping experience.  


In 2019 there are approximately 94 million people who all have Costco membership cards around the globe. For a grocery store, this level of enthusiasm may seem pretty odd to some people till the time he/she is not a Costco shopper.   


Customer retention methods and loyalty programs begin with their membership plan. To shop at Costco’s warehouses, from food clothes to toiletries, pieces of jewelry, and many more, members need to pay an upfront annual membership cost of either $60 or $120 (executive).  

In return, Costco gives its members low prices, private label items, and other perks. Keeping their customers with them becomes easy for Costco through loyalty programs.  


Research revealed that 73% of people who use the free trial of Amazon Prime surely purchase its paid membership.   

Amazon Prime Free Trial

What’s more?   

After their first year of paid membership, 91% of the members continue their subscription for another year, and 96% of those members continue their membership for the third year as well.   

As Amazon maintains over 90% of customer retention methods year after year, here we have mentioned how Amazon has done customer retention management.   

Always craft a new customer experience for buyers.  

Set the bar high for the personalized experience of return customers.  

Amazon creates a sense of urgency and FOMO (Fear of Missing Out).   

A simple and easy check out procedure  

Provide their loyal customers with free shipping, returns, exchange, and other perks.  


During the pandemic when there was no traveling and partying with friends, thanks to Netflix for always entertaining us. In 2021, Netflix had 209 million active subscribers globally. Netflix was launched in 1997 (Reed Hastings and Marc Randolph).


Initially, they started mailing DVDs through the mail and then shines like a star in the streaming industry. Now, they are also offering their in-house content. Therefore, we need to learn their customer retention management. A few of them are listed below: 

Analysis, test, and repeat. 

Include live chat in your work. 

Always take entertainment seriously. 

Be clear and transparent with your users. 

Personalization wins half of the battle. 

Keep your customers engaged by always improving yourself. 


Most retailers, either small or big and domestic or international, offer almost similar loyalty programs as customer retention services like spending $300, you will get 10$ back. But the US department store Nordstrom has quite a different approach to loyalty programs, and its customers also agree with that. Nordy Club presently has 13 million+ active members who shop four times more and spend three times more than non-members.  


Earlier, only Nordstrom credit card holders were eligible for Nordstrom’s loyalty marketing solution. This was a very big barrier for people to sign up. But Nordstrom has revamped its loyalty program. Now, non-credit cardholders earn one point/dollar spent. In comparison, rewards are doubled for the cardholder. Additionally, they receive multiple perks like free alterations, early sale access, and many more. Moreover, after having 2000 points, members can get a 2$ Nordstrom note to buy anything from Nordstrom, HauteLook, or Nordstrom Rack.   


Some brands are popular among the public due to their customer loyalty and retention programs. And Tesla has the highest customer satisfaction rate of all car brands.  


Therefore, here are the lessons that we can get from Tesla:  

A mind-blowing customer experience gets loyal customers for you.  

Tesla owns everything from production to sales to offer the best customer experience to its clients.  

Tesla describes itself as mission-focused, and it aims to “accelerate the world’s shift to sustainable energy.”  

Maintain honesty and transparency with the clients.  

Experience is as important or even more than the product.  

Always be available for your customers.  

In this digital world, focus on digitization.  


Do you know about Airbnb? 

Just kidding, almost everybody knows about Airbnb. 

They have revolutionized the complete travel industry with their approaches. They have completed more than 13 years in the industry and are still expanding as any other company could dream of. 


So, want to learn a few lessons of customer retention methods from Airbnb? 

Here we go: 

Include a VoC (Voice of Customer) program in your business. 

Agile technology is the need of the hour. 

Customer loyalty programs and referrals programs. 

Always be available for the customer over their preferred platforms. 

Use the power of AI. 

Provide a 21-century customer experience. 

Final Words

What we have learned from the above-mentioned customer loyalty and retention strategies is to build a loyal customer base that starts with a concentration on your existing customers. It is always good to onboard new consumers every month but without forgetting your existing ones.  

Ignoring your loyal customer base will eventually lead to collapse. The bottom line is you just need to improve the retention rate and grow your business by opting for the correct customer retention services.  


An Urge Your BRAND Needs for the Ideal Digital Transformation  

yesterday on my way home, I went to a coffee shop, and it is one of the famous brands I could witness in that area. I asked the Barista after getting my coffee, “Your coffee is so strong and delicious. You might be the current internet sensation” The answer I got is, “Not actually”!  

There we go!  

Every little shop to a well-known one can become a BRAND with the best digital transformation consulting services.  

Why do You Need Digital Transformation Consulting?  

Digital transformation

Suppose you are eager to help your firm unlock new business value through strategies. A very common reason a firm seeks digital transformation consulting is delivering products and services to the market at lower risk.  

What is the Goal of Digital Transformation Consulting?

Goal of Digital Transformation

Our focus is your organization’s boost up, and you can only attain this with the business transformation services. It is directly related to the efforts we put into customer experience. You can get an overall understanding while visualizing how people, processes, and technology align to make the best business outcomes, which is only customer experience. For handling rapid change, you also need help from digital transformation consultants.  

Digital Transformation requires very strong leadership, and digital transformation consulting services can bring an experience to the organization that is unmatched by the possibilities you might have ever given a thought to. 

Digital Transformation shows you the possibilities where you can raise the level of your business based on technological advancement. It is not a product or solution that you can purchase, but it can affect the way you see your business. Our world is getting digital, and every business expects that it makes a unique way for them. When does this become possible? When you feel the urge to give presence to your business, that can happen in the best possible way with digital transformation consulting.  

Need a warm welcome to a new market reality? Don’t just get its dream! You just can’t assume things will work quickly. It’s a LAUNCH of your brand to the market. Transformation consultants are your light to the end of the tunnel.  

A new spice to your quest here-  

Do You Think That it’s The Companies That are Driving Such Change?

It’s your ‘always-connected customer.’ It’s their journey with you that will dictate your strategy.   

Further adding to it, in order to keep this always-connected customer, your business must embrace the change to deliver an unmatched customer experience.  

Knowingly or unknowingly, putting the customers first is always the primary goal of the business.  

In an IDC White paper of ‘The Digitization of the World from Edge to Core,’ it is mentioned that over 2000 companies will shift their focus from the traditional or offline strategies to the modern digital strategies based on the survey of the 2,400-enterprise decision-makers, and in-depth interviews with senior IT executives at a variety of industries.  

Thinking this digital transformation is an easy undertaking? We are all well aware of the fact that technology is the core of every digital transformation happening around us. So, we can analyze how imperative it is in an era of unprecedented change. It’s not just about technology; instead, it uses technology as a means to go beyond business. It works upon the individuals, the way they work, the culture we follow. Above all, it is there to CHANGE the way we think.  

Ever thought about how ready companies are for this challenging undertaking? Now, digital transformation has become the concern of every business, not just brands. Every small or big organization needs a change. There it works!  

Why Choose Woosper for Digital Transformation Services?  

Woosper believes that there are organizations that struggle with digital transformation because they think either they don’t need it or assume that a single technology is enough to raise their business. They may succeed in adopting a single method but fail to see the expected return on investment. Woosper is one of the top 30 social media marketing agencies.  

The Digital Agenda We Follow 

  • High Time to Upgrade Your Business Digitally 
Digital Agenda

You will see numerous companies which have already migrated to digital. Employees and customers use digital platforms to connect and are agile to a certain extent. Additionally, companies have launched analytics and AI initiatives in their operations. The content delivery is at pace through digital, which wasn’t realized earlier. How are we different in our digital transformation services, and what can you expect from us? We lay out a specific agenda for a different niche that mainly focuses on four efforts, that are: 

  1. Refocusing and accelerating digital efforts in response to the arising customer needs,  
  2. Using data visualization and AI to boost business operations,  
  3. Selectively modernizing the tools and tech capabilities to multiply the development velocity, and 
  4. Expanding the firm’s agility to deliver at a good pace.  

We give an outline of a 90-day plan to make it happen. 

Refocusing and Accelerating Digital Efforts in Response to the Arising Customer Needs  

Sprint 1:  

Days 1-29  

We’ll set new digital priorities for you.  

Sprint 2:  

Days 30-59  

Make your work align with digital channels and pin out the points where you can rise.  

Sprint 3:  

Days 60-90  
Launch your own new digital offerings that will help you to rise in the digital game.  

Using Data Visualization and AI to Boost Business Operations  

Sprint 1:  

Days 1-29  

Assessing the performance of critical decision-support models  

Sprint 2:  

Days 30-59  

Rebuilding the model based on the collected data  

Sprint 3:  

Days 60-90  

Developing next-gen data sets and models for optimal performance  

Selectively Modernizing the Tools and Tech Capabilities to Multiply the Development Velocity  

Sprint 1:  

Days 1-29  

Creating a right plan for shifting to variable cost structure and assessing security risks  

Sprint 2:  

Days 30-59  

Setting up the cloud-based data platform and automating the software-delivery pipeline  

Sprint 3:  

Days 60-90  

Begin strengthening technology bench  

Expanding the Firm Agility to Deliver at a Good Pace  

Sprint 1:  

Days 1-29  

Assessing where organizational velocity is needed and where to customize and proven models could drive productivity  

Sprint 2:  

Days 30-59  

Deploying new models leveraging agile  

Sprint 3:  

Days 60-90  

Upskilling Organization for the Accelerated Digital World 

Unlike other digital transformation consulting firms, we don’t rely on a single prescribed methodology. Sticking to the oldest method can only degrade your plan; you need to switch to become a CHANGE MAKER. To accelerate and adopt the digital culture for your business, you need to meet the current challenges and environment where you’re right now. We have 100 tested and proven upliftment and Brand marketing strategies that can do a lot for your firm. 

We Let You Touch That Digital Spark 

Winners and losers in the digital world get separated at the data level.
— Malcolm Frank, Chief Strategy Officer, Cognizant.  

We rely on this on a very strong note, and there we implement strategic thinking and implementation based on smart data and analytics for your business’s digital transformation.  

Your business growth MATTERS to us!  

Have us for the digital business transformation!   


Branding Services: Top Strategies to Make Your Brand Launch Successful

Launching or relaunching a brand or a product is always stressful. No matter how confident you are, there is always a fear of failure deep down. Five by five global points out that three-fifths of people are unaware of any new product launches and brand visibility. However, it doesn’t mean that products are bad; there is a lack of correct marketing and digital branding solutions for the products.

As per a report by Mckinsey, the secret sauce to drive growth faster than the peers is to create new products. Now that digital technology creates new media channels, the client-business relationship has become more open; people love to discuss the brand experience on online portals. That’s why launching a brand with branding services in place is all the more crucial. 

In order to be distinctive, relevant, and credible to customers, brands have to re-establish themselves as per the changing needs of customers, and that’s where brand visibility comes into play.

Brand Visibility

Brand visibility is defined as the extent to which customers can recognize a particular brand. In the digital space, it can be defined as the process of creating visibility of the brand in search results, social media marketing services, and other marketing channels that corporate branding services utilize. It’s a great way to draw users’ attention towards your brand. For instance, while launching or relaunching a brand, when all the strategies applied by the branding solutions provider are in place, it can greatly increase brand visibility, and more people become familiar with the brand.  

Problems faced by Startups and SMBs while launching a brand

Problem 1: Convincing Customers of your core claims 

Convincing Customers

It’s always a herculean task to convince customers of your claims. Many companies claim to provide the best products, but how many of them are believed by customers? Sadly, not many. The reason is that they don’t do enough branding to convince customers.  

Let’s show you how Goodridge & Williams Distillers did it: 


When Goodridge & Williams launched Nütrl Vodka Soda, they found it hard to convince customers that it only contained Nütrl Vodka, lemon juice, and natural lemon juice. It was indeed a task to make people realize that this drink is healthier than wine and beer. They came up with a 30-second ad of people “breaking up” with other drinks during sports games on tv and social media. The ad proved to be a hit, and the drink became the fastest-growing vodka soda in Canada. 

What we Learned? 

Embrace Video Marketing. 

As many as 45% of people watch an hour of video every day.

79% of customers like to watch a video rather than read about the product. 

Video marketing can help you get 66% more qualified leads every year. 

Problem 2: Cheaper doesn’t equate Better 

Many companies think that they will flourish if they price their products less than competitors. However, it’s not true- it all depends on marketing and online branding services. Through branding services, small businesses get benefitted and sell more products. Let’s take the example of Harry’s. 


Harry’s offers custom-made blades at a price much less than the well-known alternatives. But cheaper doesn’t mean one automatically gets more customers. Here’s what Harry’s did- the company offered a trial offer and marketed it intensively on social media to drive traffic on its landing page and was hugely successful in doing so as it generated $200 million in revenue. 

What did We learn? 

Create a trial offer and market it to the fullest with the help of business branding services.

It’s a great way to convince customers by reducing the friction of buying a product they don’t like. The ball is in the customer’s court, and customers like it that way. 

Problem 3: Raising awareness among the target audience 

This one is a really difficult task for digital branding services but not an impossible one. When one focuses on the target audience and captures its interest, half of the battle is won. Let’s see how Unsplash did it seamlessly. 


Unsplash launched a Kickstarter campaign to raise $75,000 for a book featuring inspiring photos and essays as a way to thank photographers and creators who had contributed to the site. The surprising part is that they managed to exceed the target by $25,000. How they did it? They involved influencers. 

What did We Learn? 

Partner with influencers. 

Millennial customers get influenced by the recommendations of their peers. A study by Nielsen Catalina Solutions and TapInfluence showed that the ROI of the influencer content is 11 times greater than the traditional campaigns. One can collaborate with influencers by asking them for product reviews, guest posts, sponsored content, etc. 

Problem 4: Relating with Customers 

A big problem in corporate branding services is how to relate with customers. Oftentimes, PR stunts fail to impress customers. Let’s see how Tommee Tippee tackled this problem with ease. 


Tommee Tippee is a company that makes baby wipes. New parents often get unneeded advice from others that they absolutely hate. The company related perfectly with parents by turning parenting help books into baby wipes so that parents can literally wipe butts with other people’s advice. The idea helped increase brand awareness and brand visibility. 

What Did We Learn? 

Turn engineering into marketing. 

Find customers’ pain points and turn your marketing campaign into something that can either solve the problem or at least allow them to laugh at those problems. 

Problem 5: Creating a Social Buzz 

Marketing and digital branding services are all about creating a buzz. But how can one do it in a way that guarantees success? Let’s see how Absolut nailed it! 


Absolut engaged young customers in Argentina when it released “Unique Vodka.” The idea was to throw a launch party but with a twist. The marketing campaign and online branding services are required people to interact with a fictional doorman on WhatsApp named “Sven.” A WhatsApp number was released asking people to charm Sven to get them on the guestlist for the party. It created a social buzz, and people sent all kinds of hilarious messages. 

What Did We Learn? 

Be ready to explore new channels for your launch. 

It’s imperative to know where your target audience is how to reach it. Don’t be afraid to take the help of business branding services to explore new channels and create a valuable experience for the target audience. 

How Woosper Does it for its Clients? 

We are fully equipped to provide professional branding services to businesses of all sizes. We build a landscape to ensure faster business growth by creating brand identity and further ensuring the visibility of the brand. 

At Woosper, we focus on three main core competencies: 

  • Insight and Research 
  • Visual Communication 
  • Market Outreach 

For instance, we helped Cerebrum Infotech grow 3X in just a year by working on their professional branding services. We put our above-listed learnings into action for Cerebrum Infotech. First, we increased their social media presence with our online branding services. Then we guided them by providing a free 14-day trial of their ready-to-use software products and got in touch with industry-specific influencers to relate to their target audience. We worked extensively on the brand tone and voice to build a positive image of the business. 

Launch from Scratch or relaunch your existing brand 

Looking to launch from scratch or relaunch your brand? We know the recipe to success and help you with the right ingredients for branding services! Get in touch today to opt for the correct digital branding services that take your business on the path to success.