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Internal Linking strategy

Rank high on Google SERPS: Follow the 5 Link Building Strategies that Facilitate Growth

You do everything possible to rank your website on Google, but internal linking often takes a backseat. Internal links help users to navigate a website effortlessly. They are vital to improving your website’s SEO. 

In this blog, you will explore the importance of internal linking, best SEO link practices and how to create an internal link building strategies for your website.

What are Internal Links? 

An internal link is any link from one web page of your website to another page on your website. Your users and search engines use internal links to discover content on your website. Internal links are also used to navigate through a website to find what they are hopeful to see.

Why are Internal Links Crucial? 

Internal link SEO best practice is important for following main reasons: 

  1. Internal links assist search engines in understanding your website’s structure, 
  2. They help pass authority, and
  3. They establish relationship with content. 

Let us elaborate the points. 

Internal links assist search engines in understanding your website’s structure 

When you strategically integrate internal links to your website, you signal that page A is related to page B. Strategically placing links helps Google (and other search engines) understand the context of your web pages and their differences. A well-built internal link structure also helps search engines discover and index your site’s pages. 

Google mentions in its guide as well- it is stated in the guide- “some pages are known as Google has already crawled them before. Other pages are found when Google follows a link from an unknown page to a new page.” 

Here is how it works: 

They help pass authority 

Internal linking helps pass authority to your website’s other pages. Google uses the PageRank algorithm to measure a webpage’s importance. Let us assume that page A has an authoritative external link hinting at it. This concludes page A authority via PageRank. This authority can then be passed down to page C through internal links.

They establish relationship with content 

Google crawls websites to understand the content available using a bot called Googlebot. After exploring the website’s homepage, the bot follows the first link. By following links, Google can understand the relationship between various pages and other content types. By following this method, Google discovers which pages on your site cover a similar subject matter. 

To ensure Google understands the content on a site, make similar topics available. For example- your webpage is about content, and other similar topics will help redirect, such as “content tips.” 

Steps to Build Your Internal Linking Strategy 

Now that you know what internal links are and why they are essential. Here are five steps to get started with your internal link-building strategy:  

Step 1: Identify Your Website’s Pillar Pages  

Make a list of all the pillar pages of your site- i.e., main pages on a broad topic that link to more particular pages.   

Your pillar pages will assist you in creating topic clusters, basically groups of content about specific topics. After figuring out pillar pages and topic clusters, building your site’s architecture will be much easier.  

You need to consider your pillar page at the top of your marketing funnel. Pillar pages are meant for audiences who are curious and are exploring available details. Your site’s pillar pages must target high-quality and search-volume keywords rather than long-tail ones.  

Step 2: Develop Topic Clusters Using Internal Links  

Now that you have identified your topic/ pillars, the next step will be developing specific topic clusters for them. Think of your site’s pillar pages as the prime topic; clusters exist for support on more particular issues.  

Let me explain by giving an example: suppose your pillar page is about “digital marketing solutions,” your clusters should include “what is digital marketing?” and “digital marketing tools.”  

To further strengthen your link-building strategy, you can develop more (sub) clusters to support your cluster pages. For example, support your “branding solutions” cluster with other cluster pages on the topic surrounding branding solutions, such as “what is branding” and “personal branding.”  

All these pages must be internally linked back to the prime pillar pages to represent topical relevance and show the authority of pillar pages.  Map out all your site’s topic clusters and develop ideas for supporting pages. To ease your work process, create a spreadsheet for each particular topic cluster:  

Step 3: Select the Right Anchor Text  

You get full ownership over your site’s anchor text. Act strategically about your words and phrases to indicate their target page topics. Placing apt words on anchor text is necessary to assist both visitors and search engines analyze what a page is about.  

Here is how an anchor text appears in a hyperlink: 

Relevant anchor text is significant as it allows Google’s algorithm to understand a website’s structure and provides context for how pages are related.   

An SEO-friendly anchor text is:  

  • Precise: Keep anchor text brief and to the point so that it’s clear what the page’s copy is all about to users and search engines. We suggest keeping the anchor text between four to five words or less.   
  • Make sure it’s relevant: Relevancy is the primary key. Avoid clickbait anchor text such as “buy now” or “click here.” Neither option assists Google in figuring out what the inked page is about or covers.   
  • Optimize the anchor text: Optimization is a must! Do not try to over-optimize the anchor text by keyword stuffing.   

Step 4: Identify Your Site’s Authority Pages  

Next in line is strategically attaching authority to other pages via internal links. Your site’s authoritative web pages have high-quality backlinks (from external links) pointing to them. Now, Google witnesses’ backlinks as a source of authority. So, it becomes clear if a page has a lot of confidence votes like backlinks- some of that authority can be passed on. You need to focus on creating genuine and quality backlinks.   

You can use tools such as Semrush to identify your site’s most authoritative backlinks.   

Step 5: Support Your New Pages  

A robust internal linking is crucial if you have yet to earn authoritative backlinks. Pick a new piece of content or a web page that you would like to perform better. After finalizing a web page or content, identify the opportunities for relevant interlinking. Perform a search to discover related pages on your site that target the page’s chief keyword.  

Bonus Step: Maximize Digital PR campaign impact with proper internal links  

Digital PR is the main tactic utilized to earn backlinks. The PR team is responsible for creating linkable articles, assets, and other essential resources. You can integrate a PR strategy to increase your internal linking efforts.  

Common Internal Linking Issues and How to Fix Them  

Broken internal links  

The problem: Broken internal links send users and search engine crawlers to web pages that don’t exist. This can result in 404 errors.  

How to fix it: Explore your site’s broken links under the “Errors” section of your Internal Linking report. Afterward, either remove or replace the connection with one redirecting to a live page.  

No follow Attributes in Internal Links  

The problem: You don’t want “no follow links.” Follow links use the rel=” no follow” attribute to indicate that Google does not pass authority to the linked web page.  

How to fix it: You can find no follow links under your internal linking report’s “warnings” section. Then, remove the rel=” no follow.” You can take help from the developer if needed.    

Start Practicing Internal Linking   

With good links, your website can rank! With a powerful internal linking strategy, you can show search engines what your site’s content is about. Follow the blog guidelines to understand your site better, enhancing your chance of ranking.   


The best internal link building strategy involves creating valuable and relevant content that naturally connects related pages. Utilize descriptive anchor texts, maintain a hierarchical structure, and focus on user experience. Regularly audit and update internal links to ensure they align with SEO goals and enhance website navigation. 

Internal linking in SEO refers to the practice of creating hyperlinks within a website, connecting one page to another. It aids in better site navigation, distributes link authority, and enhances search engine crawlability and indexing. 

Link building strategies involve various methods to acquire backlinks from other websites. They may include guest blogging, content promotion, outreach to influencers, creating link-worthy content, and participating in industry directories or forums. 

The types of link building strategies include guest posting, content marketing, broken link building, outreach and relationship building, social media promotion, participation in industry-specific communities, and creating link-worthy resources like infographics or guides. 

A right link building strategy is necessary to enhance a website's authority, search engine rankings, and visibility. Moreover, quality backlinks from reputable sources drive organic traffic, increase brand credibility, and improve online presence, leading to business growth. 


Top Marketing Trends that You Need to Invest in 2023!

As 2023 is coming to complete its first quarter, you may wonder if your marketing budget is appropriate, adequate, or overkill. 

It can be nerve-racking to align the budget, especially during a time of financial difficulty, but now it has become more than essential to keep your brand in the target audience’s minds.    

Consider integrating clever marketing methods to boost your business growth. You must keep delivering excellent content or products or whatever they need and wish. Top marketing trends are never constant; they keep evolving every year. But a few key focuses are worth considering for your 2023 marketing plan.    

Here are some of our findings. 

Organic Social Media

89% of CMOs and marketing executives plan to increase their marketing budget in 2023, as per a survey by Matter Communications. The prime reason behind this is the growing popularity and presence of gigantic brands on social media platforms.    

According to another study, in 2023, the amount spent on social media ads is projected to reach $268 billion.    

Social media is, without a doubt, the best way to communicate with your target audiences. Investing in social media will benefit you in the end; you can tell your users about your brand and offer a platform to contact you whenever they please.    

Content will Rule

It is no secret that Google prefers websites with authentic and quality content for their audiences. Gone are the days when one could stuff keywords and expect to see outstanding reach and ranking on search engines. In 2023, the prime focus of Google is on the value you can provide.   

44% of companies said that improving the quality of their content has led to better outcomes.   

Content has always been a prime part of a marketing strategy. It has become necessary to drive potential leads for any business regardless of size.    

You must understand that your website or app content is a one-way street of information for your audiences. Content has become the primary key to building meaningful connections and communities.   

It is no coincidence that ads having attractive and engaging one-liners became hits. Compelling content has always been the main focus for brands/businesses.   

The more refine and enlightening content you put out in the market; the more people will prefer to seek you out for their daily needs. You can opt for content marketing services to see better outcomes quicker.    

AI Tools

Different companies globally have started adapting AI tools at a massive level. Undoubtedly, AI is the most innovative and advanced technology in recent years.   

In 2023, it has been all over the news, thanks to ChatGPT’s popularity. The launch of ChatGPT normalized the usage of AI in various industries for different goals. Many companies are using AI tools to enhance their marketing efforts. As of February 2023, the global AI market is worth $136.6 billion.  

We do not suggest you rely heavily on AI tools for marketing. Especially when it comes to content, the human touch will remain a plus factor. But there is no reason not to use AI tools to sort bulk data. You can also use AI tools to create personalized content strategies. 

Recent AI developments hint at progress in the future. Shortly, the demand for AI will increase to a great stretch. Technologies like Metaverse, machine learning, and natural language processing will make their print in workspaces. The only wise decision in 2023 is to learn more about AI and start investing in it to drive excellent results. 

Email Marketing will Stand Solid

Despite popular social media platforms, there continues to be no easiest and more intelligent way than email marketing to communicate directly with your consumers. In other words, email marketing is the most powerful tool one can use for marketing. 

Worldwide utilized by over 4 billion people, email has a remarkable reach and is ideal for every step of a buyer’s journey. It can generate awareness to establish a business as a brand. If you are not focusing on email marketing to promote your business, you must do so as soon as possible! 

According to Niel Patel’s widely conducted survey, about 56% of companies agreed to increase their email marketing budget because of the following reasons: 

  • Due to the growing email marketing list size  
  • Due to privacy law 
  • Businesses are moving towards marketing automation tools.  

According to the survey, 38% of companies are keen on maintaining email marketing efforts. Another 6% said they plan to reduce their email marketing budget. There were two prime reasons: 

  • Companies limit email marketing software providers to save money, 
  • Because of inactive subscribers 

Podcasting to the Rescue

The podcast industry is experiencing tremendous growth. According to a report, podcast users will reach 465 million in 2023. And the industry is expected to surpass $2 billion in the same year in revenue. 

Podcasts are popular among young adult women in the US between the age of 25 to 34. As per a survey, about 92% of companies plan to increase their budget in 2023. 92% is a massive number, mainly because they do not have a podcast. And they listen to different topics.   

The demand for podcasts will increase. Go for a podcast if you run a business that can benefit from sharing information or engaging users. You can start a podcast on any industry, such as digital marketing, manufacturing, real estate, strategic market research and advertising, and share your experience, rare tips, or interesting clients’ stories.   

Final Thoughts  

Most marketers plan to reshape their budgets and strategies at the beginning of the new year. So far, we hope the first quarter of 2023 for you has been successful. All of the above marketing trends will undoubtedly expand in 2023. If you want to see exceptional business growth, you must start practicing all of them straight away. Most businesses plan to expand their efforts from podcasts to earned media and email marketing.  

Now that you know what others are doing in marketing, what do you plan to do with your marketing budget in 2023? 


Some of the major marketing trends that are likely to rule the industry in 2023 and beyond include Increasing Video and Livestreaming, Return to In-Person Events, Podcasting, Interactive Marketing, Gamification, Omnichannel Marketing, etc. Apart from these, personalized and interactive content, voice search optimization, and ethical marketing practices will all going to rule the industry.  

Some potential digital marketing trends for 2023 may include AI-driven personalization, immersive technologies (AR/VR), voice commerce, shoppable social media, and a focus on sustainability and ethical marketing practices. 

The growing need for improved user experience and innovation in technology are likely to drive the content marketing of the future. However, the top 5 content marketing trends for 2023 could be listed as: 

  • Short-form videos 
  • Empathy and human-focused content 
  • Content that is curated considering user experience  
  • Visual variation  
  • Human And Machine Symbiosis 

Email marketing as a marketing trend of the future will involve hyper-personalization and automation which is using these technologies in creating targeted, relevant content. Besides, interactive emails, advanced segmentation, and improved data privacy measures will enhance user engagement, ensuring email remains a powerful communication channel for businesses. 

Some of the common social media marketing trends that we are likely to witness in the future will include: 

  • YouTube shorts 
  • More Linkedin creators 
  • More transparency between brands and consumers 
  • The AI-effects will go mainstream 
  • Exclusivity of content 
  • Off-the-cuff and casual storytelling 

Woosper Spot on GoodFirms Top Branding Agency in 2023

Branding has been a potent part of the business industry, but now in 2023, it is more important than before! With the incorporation of social media, consumers these days get exposed to new businesses- brands every single day. This is exciting for users but simultaneously increases the competition for companies worldwide.   

There is vast competition, so every business- whether a small to medium size business or a big enterprise established for decades- needs to take extra steps to ensure they stand out from the crowd. To be able to do this, every startup and business must come up with exciting and compelling branding solutions.   

Right branding strategy needs to be by the side of every business and startup that want to make a name for itself. With the implementation of the right branding measures, your business gets the “remote control.” 

Branding Strategy

Branding offers you a unique opportunity to establish your business identity; you can tell people about your business vision, goals, and aspirations, where you get the inspiration, and what role your business will play in society.   

You may have the best logo and the greatest product, but your business can still fail if there is no proper branding. You mistakenly increase your business’s chance of losing consumers at the hand of poor branding measures.  

We deliver creative and remarkable marketing and branding services that assist our clients in making a mark in their industry.   

Founded two years back, Woosper has surpassed every level of expectation. We are passionate about every project we embark on. We implement powerful marketing tools to help you reach your business’s ultimate goals. Woosper has been recognized as one of the best social media marketing and SEO companies.  

We are proud to announce that GoodFirms has listed Woosper as one of the best branding agencies in California in 2023.   

We take true pleasure and honor in knowing that our efforts are being noticed by reputable online review platforms. Here is a message of gratitude from our CEO, Mr. Ramanjeet Singh, “The Woosper team is glad and grateful to earn the title of best branding agency. We owe our achievement to our wonderful clients and brilliant team.”  

With our team’s joint effort, we can rank among California’s best branding agencies. When a company takes our assistance with branding solutions, they can count on us blindly. We do our best and utilize the latest tools and techniques to assist you in reaching your business goals.   

If you run your business and want to establish yourself as a brand, then you are in the right place. The Woosper team guides and assists you throughout your branding journey.


ChatGPT for Marketing: Five Ways ChatGPT Helps Your Business Market Successfully 

Artificial intelligence is transforming the way we do marketing. The use of AI tools is pretty standard when it comes to content writing and marketing. Many AI tools strive to offer flawless content, but one of the most curious and eyebrows-raising right now is ChatGPT, OpenAI’s chatbot.  

chatgpt use in marketing - Woosper Tips

ChatGPT is an ideal example of what AI is capable of and how it can serve our purpose. Launched in November 2022- ChatGPT grew in popularity within a few days. As per a report, the AI tool ChatGPT gained one million users in only five days after the official launch day.

What is ChatGPT? 

ChatGPT is a chatbot developed to help with customer support. The bot utilizes natural language processing and GPT-3 technology to construct customized responses to a user input question or query.  

ChatGPT can manage broad queries and deliver an answer in real-time- making it a vital tool for businesses looking to boost their customer support. 

ChatGPT can be employed for customer support and tasks that require conversation, such as answering frequently asked questions, offering accurate and detailed product information, and assisting customers in navigating smoothly through a website or mobile app. 

Other activities ChatGPT can be used for are- information gathering, such as collecting user feedback or conducting surveys. Besides, ChatGPT is also used to operate dialogue tasks, like delivering conversation prompts or engaging in social media conversations. 

Use Cases of ChatGPT for Marketers  

1. ChatGPT Can Help Brainstorm and Generate Ideas 

A critical aspect of a marketer’s job is brainstorming- it requires time which may not be a strong possibility for all of us. ChatGPT can act as a good brainstorming session partner. When you work with ChatGPT, it feels like another person is having a conversation with you. You can be sure of receiving correct ideas with ChatGPT. 

After using ChatGPT for marketing, an IT company concluded that it was less worthwhile than a human mind or assistance.  

ChatGPT for marketing indeed will not be able to provide a flawless copy- if you ask for a bunch of suggestions- you will get an entire pile of ideas. You can give the AI tool directions as well to get a better copy, such as words that will match your brand voice. 

2. Craft Regular Expressions in Analytics Reporting

Regular expressions are a significant part of composing analytic reports through solid tools such as Google Search Console or Google Analytics. Marketers and advertisers on a large scale do not possess the knowledge of these tools, and it can be annoying to execute. It can get tricky with no technical background, primarily.  

Below is an example of Google Search Console reporting- which support filtering by regexp. 

Source : Search Engine Journal

With no previous experience using the tool- you may find it challenging to use this feature.  

With ChatGPT for marketing at your disposal, you can divert the task for a better outcome. 

All you must do is go to ChatGPT and ask: “compose regular expression which starts with “How To” or “What is” case insensitive using RE2 syntax.” 

Copy and paste into the Google Search Console filter field, and you’ll have several queries to work on and optimize for FAQs. 

3. ChatGPT Can Help Write SEO Meta Descriptions 

Meta descriptions can be tough to write, especially when there are hundreds of them, but they are a crucial part of SEO that must be addressed.  

One of the mind-blowing things about GPT is that it is best at summarizing text. Finding content from the ocean of information can be tricky for ChatGPT, but when it comes to rewording a certain number of words- it can provide excellent results- this is what makes it good at writing SEO descriptions. 

4. ChatGPT Can Assist with Keyword-Targeting Suggestions 

Keyword research is another important task in SEO that require an ample amount of time and effort. How well your keyword research goes affects how soon your website can rank on any search engine. 

Marketers can use the tech of ChatGPT to find synonyms for root keywords. For example- suppose the root keyword is “readymade dresses.” ChatGPT will offer alternate synonyms such as “custom dresses,” “unique dresses,” or “personalized dresses.” 

 5. Layout Custom Pixel Conversions 

If you want to set up custom conversions to guide users to perform a specific action on the site without any help- it can be quite challenging. You can take help from Google Tag Manager in some cases, but that might see through the outcome. 

For example, you require to send a conversion event through which an individual lands on your decided landing page and scrolls through 25% of the page. Now with ChatGPT, you do not need to hire a developer to get the job done. Go to ChatGPT and ask, “send Facebook pixel custom conversion event once as users scroll through 35% of the page using JavaScript,”- and it does the rest of the job quickly.  

Final Thoughts  

ChatGPT is a reliable and solid tool allowing businesses to produce engaging content accurately. Utilizing a tool such as ChatGPT for marketing helps companies to create tailored content to drive website or social media traffic. AI-assisted content can also enhance the effectiveness of the content creation process by offering valuable insights. Overall, it is a magnificent tool that can assist businesses in reaching their ultimate goals.


ChatGPT can be used for different purposes in SEO, such as searching keywords, composing analytics reports, writing meta descriptions, and much more.

Some of ChatGPT's potential benefits include:

  • Improved efficiency and accuracy in NLP-related tasks
  • It provides accuracy in NLP-related tasks
  • Improves efficiency
  • Assists with a wide range of tasks that need an understanding and production of natural language
  • Helps to respond to different questions quickly

The best use of ChatGPT in marketing is for personalized customer interactions, content creation, and providing real-time support. It can engage users, answer queries, and enhance customer experience, fostering brand loyalty and trust. 

  • "Create a compelling social media post to promote our latest product launch." 
  • "Write an engaging email newsletter to announce our upcoming sale." 
  • "Craft a persuasive blog post on the benefits of our services." 
  • "Generate a series of Instagram captions to showcase our brand values." 
  • "Develop a script for a video advertisement targeting a younger demographic." 
  • "Draft a press release highlighting our company's recent achievements." 
  • "Brainstorm ideas for a content marketing campaign centered around a specific theme." 
  • "Provide a product description that entices customers to make a purchase." 
  • "Create a series of catchy headlines for our new ad campaign." 
  • "Write an FAQ section for our website addressing common customer inquiries." 

Yes, you can use ChatGPT for market research. It can assist in gathering insights, analyzing data, and providing valuable information to understand consumer preferences, trends, and feedback. 

In digital marketing, ChatGPT refers to using OpenAI's language model to enhance customer interactions and content creation. ChatGPT marketing could help marketers to create personalized responses, answer queries, and generate engaging content, thereby improving customer experience, driving conversions, and supporting various marketing initiatives. 

To use ChatGPT for your business, you can integrate it into your website or app to offer real-time customer support and personalized interactions. Also, you can utilize it to generate blog posts, social media content, and marketing materials. Apart from this, marketers could leverage ChatGPT for market research, content ideation, and audience engagement, enhancing overall customer experience and brand loyalty. However, the entire process requires effective human involvement and checks.  

Google Analytics 4

Why You Need to Switch to Google Analytics 4, Now? 

Universal Analytics (the standard version of Google Analytics) will halt processing on July 1, 2023.

In this blog, we will discuss everything you need to know about Google Analytics 4:  

  • What is Google Analytics 4?  
  • Why is it called GA4?  
  • Key features and benefits of GA4? 

What is Google Analytics 4?  

Google Analytics 4 or GA4 is the new and advanced version of Google Analytics. Since it is the fourth vision, hence the name.   

Previously Google Analytics 4 was known as “app + web”- during its beta phase.   

Google Analytics 4 is an analytics tool that allows an organization to measure traffic and engagement across a website or a mobile app, concluding that a person can simultaneously see reports derived from universal analytics.  

What is Google Analytics 4?

The purpose of Google Analytics is primarily to provide in-depth data throughout the lifecycle of a consumer journey. After a consumer has been acquired, including their level of engagement, monetization, and retention- data gets ready for avail. 

How Does Google Analytics 4 Work? 

Google Analytics 4 has the capacity of machine learning at its core. The machine learning-based approach brings out cross-platform insights and a thorough privacy-centric process. With the incorporation of advanced machine learning techniques, you can better understand consumers- how they perform across devices and platforms.   

How Does Google Analytics 4 Work?

Artificial Intelligence based insights have been available since 2006; how they were used some examples are below;   

  • Automatic Trend Alert,  
  • Anticipating Consumer Action,  
  • Other predictive metrics like revenue estimates from several audience groups. 

New Features of Google Analytics 4 

1. Data & Metrics

With the use of Google Analytics 4- you can predict what type of users possess the highest chance of making a purchase. Google Analytics 4 leverages the power of artificial intelligence and machine learning to fill the gap between a user shopping pattern and website-gathered data without the dependency on traffic hits on every webpage.  

Data & Metrics

With GA4, you can utilize predictive metrics so that marketers can use them to kick-start conversion. Such metrics include- purchase possibility, revenue prediction, and churn possibility. 

You Can Get an Idea of the Following:  

  • How much will a user likely become inactive in the coming seven days?  
  • The expected revenue in the next 28 days from a user has been browsing actively.  

The more digital analytics data is stored on how a user behaves on your website and app- the better analysis it can provide.   

After getting the data, you can utilize the available metrics and create predictive audience segments. Plus, you can create highly-targeted campaigns with no more cookie tracking. 

2. Events 

Certain events are activated and tracked whenever a user interacts with your app or website, including page views, button clicks, and others.  

This is a primary metric for Google Analytics 4 or GA4.  

Many of these events are gathered automatically by default. You can choose the option to track automatically by opting for it- go to the admin page within the GA4 property.  

But if you are someone who wants to be one step ahead and know all about whatever activity is happening on your website or app- you can go for advanced data tracking. You can add code to track published custom events.   

Google Analytics provides a thorough guide on modifying or creating events with the user interface. In case of advanced data, analytics help to categorize them into recommended events and custom events- for easy tracking. 

3. Engagement Metrics  

Insightful engagement metrics give you a new perception of how long a user can spend on your website or app. By tracking the same, you can direct the attention to pages and screens that once were most visited and had the most activated events. 

Engagement Metrics

An engaged session can last for a few seconds, leading to at least one conversion or push to two web page views.  

Engagement metrics are a brilliant way to determine which pages are performing well and have users’ attention. This also lets you know which web pages are not providing you with the expected outcome; hence you can make changes to elevate the user’s attention span. 

4. Unsampled Data and Reports  

Any business with GA4 can avail of unsampled data with no enterprise account. The report derived from Google Analytics is based on the number of sessions you witness.  

Sampling takes place automatically if a report captures more than 50,000 sessions.  

Unsampled Data and Reports

The major reason behind this is that Google processes data in tremendous amounts, and to process the data swiftly- and achieve accuracy- there can be a chance of random data pulling out from your overall traffic. 

Why do you Need to Start with Google Analytics 4 (GA4)?  

Google Analytics 4 or GA4 is designed to help businesses and marketers to drive an excellent outcome. The platform is a credible source getting significant and vast amounts of valuable data- that involves using machine learning with access to it and data science analysis.  

The old version is expected to expire anytime near June 2023, but it is suggested to get hands on GA4 migration. Upgrading sooner would give you enough time to understand and increase familiarity. 

Frequently Asked Questions  

a) Why is GA4 better than Universal Analytics?  

I’ll give you a brief feature comparison to help you understand what makes GA4 a better choice. Universal Analytics highlights total users, whereas GA4 focuses on the count of active users. So, while the term users appear the same, the metric calculation is different between UA and GA4.

b) Does GA4 work without cookies?  

Yes, using ‘Google consent mode’ enables your website to run Google Analytics based on the consent state of your end-users.  

c) What are the Benefits of GA4?  

Below are some of the benefits of Google Analytics 4:  

  • GA4, with ease, can bridge the data between the app and the website.  
  • With GA4, you can track user data with or without identities or cookies.   
  • You can collect granular and correct information as it will rely on cookies such as Universal Analytics

d) Should I switch to Google Analytics 4?  

Yes absolutely. Google will retire the older version of Google Analytics in June 2023. So, if you want to keep benefitting and use Google Analytics- the sooner you update the same- the better.   


Instagram Marketing

50 Tips to Get More Instagram Followers

Instagram rocks. It’s incredible. It revolutionized the way brands do business and how people communicate. No one knew that a tool could hold so much power. But it does!

So, how can we utilize that power in our interest?

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It all comes down to how many Instagram followers you have! The more followers you have, the more popular you get. We all know this, I am sure- you (reading the blog) know this. But do you know how to get free Instagram followers on your own?

There is no step-by-step guide, but some best practices can help you expand your account reach and get new followers.

If you want to increase followers on Instagram; here is list of well-researched and blended tips to try on your account:

50 points tip image

Come Up with a Realistic Marketing Strategy

You need to start from scratch- believe me there is no shortcut, even if there is it’s not going to act fruitfully. Before embarking on the journey to get free Instagram followers, you need to create a strategy that will “actually” work.

Marketing Strategy

A well-planned digital marketing strategy can keep you on your toes in the long run. Certain ideas and things should be sorted such as what would be your brand personality, theme, vision, motto, unique selling point.  

To get kick off, you can ask the below-mentioned questions before building a strategy: 

  • What do I aim to achieve with this strategy?  
  • What are my business goals?  
  • How can I measure the results?   

Stick to the strategy, be consistent and authentic- all these things will help you gain loyal Instagram followers. 

Define Your Target Audience     

Most people skip this part and this is where they make their first mistake.  

A business gets identified by its target audience; for example– a beauty products manufacturing company’s prime target would be women worldwide, so it makes sense to target the prime consumers first. 

Goal Image

The same goes for any other business. Before you begin work, the target audience needs to be defined. You probably won’t understand its benefit right now, but later it will be a blessing in disguise.     

Ask below questions to create target audience profile;  

  • What age group do they belong to?     
  • Where do they live?     
  • What products do they probably use?    
  • How much time do they consume on Instagram?     
  • What issues are surrounding, and is there any solution for the same?

Invest in a Social Content Calendar

A social content calendar is essential for a business’s upward growth. A maintained calendar also shows your hard work and time-consumed brainstorming sessions. You can note down ideas and keep track of what has been posted and how previous posts had performed.

Social Content Image

Go for Business Profile

A business profile is better than a regular account. An Instagram business profile provides in-depth analytics that shows who your followers are, what time they are most active, what age group they belong to, whether you are losing or gaining them, etc.

Orea insta profile
Source : Oreo

Work on Your Instagram Bio

Before I share tips on how to optimize your bio to get more Instagram followers; I need you to analyze the following reference:

The Anatomy of Instagram Bio

insta profile

Your Instagram bio is the ‘face’ of your business; treat it like gold to get more free Instagram followers.

Every brand attaches massive importance to it and so should you. One-third of Instagram profile visitors are new potential followers. They’ll not follow you if your profile is unclear, confusing and unappealing.

Make sure your Instagram bio answers the following;

Answer the ‘Why’

Give people a reason to follow you. Instead of blabbing about your services or product, try to mention your USPs, such as; a) follow for more recipes, b) your go-top digital marketing tips, or c) follow to learn kathak.

Choose the Correct Handle

Make sure your Instagram handle is close to your “actual” business. This will help people remember what you offer or what you do quickly. Practice this on every social media account.

insta profile

Change Bio-Link Often

The best Instagram accounts often change their bio link. I get it; promotion of a website is essential, but not changing the link may reflect negatively.

You can share a new blog or a landing page link with your followers. Sharing the developments within your business or company makes users feel that they are a part of overall growth.

the woodland profile

Optimize Your Instagram Account

People need to find you- to follow you. Simple. And you NEED to do whatever you can to make the “search process” easier for your potential users.

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You need to work on your SEO to get more free Instagram followers. Social media platforms are also search engines with huge data records- keyword searches come in handy. Be sure to;

  • Include a keyword in your caption and bio
  • Make sure to add the location
  • And alt text

Get More Info
How Can We Create A Social Media Marketing Strategy?

Build a Brand Story

What would you watch? A fiction movie or a documentary?

Most people would choose a documentary, and why’s that? Because it’s based on actual events and periods.

The same goes for brands, you need to develop a story surrounding your brand to connect with your audience.

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People crave to see rare, never seen stuff. Many brands use real human struggle stories to keep viewers intrigued. You could share the backstory of a product or one of your employee’s success journeys.

The best example I can give is “Humans of Bombay” (check the post below). Their social media marketing revolves around sharing different people’s struggles and life stories.

Source : ED Times

Keep your brand story consistent and develop it as your account grows. Practice this in the most creative way possible so that people recognize your brand just by the visuals.  

Discover More
Why Branding is Crucial for Growth ? 

Woosper Pro Tip: You can use the same styling, such as the same color combination, frames, etc.   

Build an Amazing Grid  

People love to see creative and attractive grids. It’s refreshing to the eyes and a great source of inspiration. In short, it keeps you hooked.  

grid image

A gorgeous, bright, and colorful grid can work as an effective stimulator, lifting one’s mood. Every image that goes on your account needs to be the “best” and of highest-quality.

Source : Grid Examples to Creatively Level-up Your Feed

This is quite obvious, but not everyone fully commits to it. When a person visits and scans your account, they should feel the urge to stick around for more to look.

How to Get More Instagram Followers-Every Existing Content Tip

Find the Content- That’s Right for You

This part is going to take an ample amount of time and thought. You first need to understand Instagram mechanics to get free followers. You not only need to generate content that is specifically written and created for Instagram but also is “the right fit” for your target audience.

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Discovering your profile’s right style is imperative because that’s how your brand will be perceived. According to MIT research done by neuroscientists; the human brain can identify images in 13 milliseconds.

Find More: Guide to Align Your Brand and Content Strategy

So, buddy you only get 13 milliseconds to impress your profile visitors. Consider this thought whenever you sit down to write content or create an image.

Once you figure out your brand style, it becomes crucial that you stick to that only. Consistency is the key. Take Starbucks, for example; people come back repeatedly to buy the same coffee they purchased the previous day.

It matters a great deal. A common problem businesses or people face when they start posting on Instagram is- uncertainty. They are not entirely sure about “who they are” and “what they represent”. In such times, you need to be calm and follow the strategy you created. If that’s not working out well for you, re-strategize.

To get free Instagram followers, you need to clear out the basics of branding- only then can there be a solution. Priority should be offering the best of what you have initially.

Be unique, Be creative, Be smart.

Keep these three b’s in mind initially, and later, when you get the zest, come up with your Instagram mantra.

Woosper Pro Tip: Think of your business as a person and build a personality around it. Find answers to questions such as-

  • what makes my brand different,
  • what is my brand favorite food,
  • what is my brand vision,
  • what are my brand values, etc.

Spend Time on the Content Creation Process

Once you figure out what kind of content is best for your brand, the next move would be creating the content and images. I know this is quite obvious, but companies often do not assign enough time to the content creation process.

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Content creation is a process in itself. It would be best if you gave it plenty of time.

Woosper Pro Tip: Make sure to perform thorough research before starting the entire content creation process.

Try All Formats

  • Reels
  • Live
  • IGTV
  • Feed Posts
  • Stories

You can use all these formats to showcase different aspects of your brand or business. Whether your business is new or a decade-old, it does not matter. It would help if you still reminded consumers- why they should buy your products.

Post Sharable Content or Images

Why will someone share your post? Probably because they loved what they saw or read, right? As marketers, we need to get to the in-depths of why people share posts, what drive motivation behind the sharing?

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Source : Coshedule

Sure, it feels good when someone shares our work. Sometimes you can get lucky, but not every time. To keep the momentum going, you need to work hard and think smartly. Before telling your audience what services you deliver, take a step back and think about “what people want to see.”

People love seeing other people, reading about other people’s journeys, quotes, travel photos, gorgeous food plates, cool clothes, fun facts, memes, infographics- all these can be great options. Do in-depth research and discover what keeps your target audience on edge, on which posts they like- sending hearts and commenting with glee.

Woosper Pro Tip: Be active. You never know; inspiration can strike anywhere.

Add Call to Action (CTAs)

You need to add CTAs to every post to get more Instagram followers. A CTA can be anything from a simple “swipe to see more” to “like our picture.” Many influencers use this tactic to attract attention.

CTA raises the chances of someone liking or commenting on your post by almost 25%. You can add a hidden CTA in your caption if you do not wish to direct it.

The following are some examples;

  • You can request people to like your post,
  • Share your content, or
  • Visit your profile or website.
struggling img
Source : @woospers

CTAs such as “tag your friend and don’t say anything” or “tag someone and let them know you are thinking of them”- are amazing ways to initiate the first step to building community among your users. (FIND A POST)

Write Compelling and Empathetic Captions

Captions play a huge role in getting Instagram followers’ attention. A good caption helps you get more reach, engagement, and recognition. More and more users are posting creative captions to get more Instagram followers.

o, what makes a caption ‘great’?

We have gathered some qualities that might come in handy;

  • Try to include wit or humor in your captions,
  • Add inspirational examples,
  • Motivating stories,
  • Make captions relatable,
  • Use storytelling technique,
  • Insert emoji mindfully,
  • Ask questions, and
  • keep important information in front always.

Entertainment, Entertainment, Entertainment

It would help if you focused on the “entertainment” factor to get free Instagram followers. At the end of 2021, Instagram revealed that the algorithm’s attention was shifting to “full screen, immersive, entertaining, mobile-first video” content.

Entertaining content does not necessarily need to be action-filled; it only needs to be
– creative,
– engaging,
– authentic, and
– expressive.

Do Not Forget to Pin Best Comments

On Instagram, you can pin three comments for every post. Most celebrities and influencers use this feature. There are several ways you can utilize this feature to get more followers on Instagram.

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You can pin your best or funny comments, You can pin comments that display other people’s regard for you, or you to share some vital information.

Learn How the Instagram Algorithm Works

The Instagram algorithm is as important and complicated as any other social network algorithm. It goes through a group of factors that help the platform decide which content should be given priority.

Most marketers fear constant updates in the Instagram algorithm. Instead of adjusting to the algorithm now and then, think about using the platform to your advantage.

Note: This year (2022), Instagram re-launched the ability to see feed chronologically, along with a curated list of recent posts from favorite accounts. For more information on the Instagram feed options, here.

How the Instagram Algorithm Works

The Instagram algorithm is a set of rules that help the platform determine which posts to keep on the top and bottom feed.

In a 2021 blog titled “Shedding More Light on How Instagram Works,” CEO Adam Mosseri said, “We use a variety of algorithms, classifiers, and processes, each with its own purpose.”

Each time a visitor uses the app, the algorithm instantly scans available content and utilizes the following information to finalize the order:

  • Which posts will go on the top, and in what sequence
  • Which posts are to be featured on the explore tab
  • And in which order Stories, Live videos, and Reels will show up.
  • All this happens every single time a user opens the Instagram app.

And not only this, but the app also considers a user’s relationship with the followers, the relevance of the content, and the post’s timeliness. Let this all sink in, and thoroughly study the tool to understand it better and get more free Instagram users.

How to Get Free Instagram Followers-  
Focus on Photography

Add Alt Text to Images

Do not take alt text for granted. Alt texts are essential to SEO and contribute to the search ranking factor. They describe what the image is about, guide search engine crawlers and help them to index images.

Learn More
Instagram Best Practices

Inserting alt text to every image is- why some images appear on top when searching for a particular phrase. It hardly takes a minute. Just do it.

Add Alt Text to Images

Instagram is all about images. Explore other creative accounts to see what they are posting; some of the best images are posted by travelers, food bloggers and fashion designers, and beauty products companies.

Some of the accounts I refer to for creative inspiration:

Cube img

Source : Accounts That Will Supercharge Your Creativity

You can share backstage pictures, your morning routine (if you are an influencer), and how you chop vegetables (if you are a famous chef)- to make users curious.

Some celebrities share their fitness regime or vacation photos to hook their followers. Here I can think of famous celebs such as Selena Gomez and Kim Kardashian. Selena keeps her followers interested by frequently sharing photoshoot campaign pictures for her make-up line, ‘Rare Beauty’.

You can learn a lot by following big celebrities’ accounts- things like how to run a gigantic and successful business or to keep followers interested.

Viral Images

Any post can go viral, Give it a shot, and try to create images or reels with the potential of going viral.

Going Viral Img

Get ideas by researching famous accounts or analyzing videos/reels that went viral some time ago. Create similar posts/images and ask your friends and followers to share and tag others.

How to Get Free Instagram Followers-  
The Power of Hashtags 

How to Find Hashtags

To know the top and trending hashtags, go with Tags For Likes (tool). And to discover relevant hashtags, explore TagFire and Grama. You can search your biggest competition and see what hashtags they are using to get an idea. Use this trick to get more free Instagram followers.

hastag Gif

You can also search the day’s hashtag and use the same if it matches your post. Such hashtags can be #smallbusiness or #lazywednesday.

Mix Hashtags for Better Reach

Just like keywords help Google determine top-ranking content, hashtags work similarly for Instagram. They can be divided as-.

  • Long-tail
  • High or low volume
  • Location-based
  • Some examples are;
  • Long-tail: #friends4forever
  • Local: #friendsinchandigarh
  • Trending: #friendshipday
  • Evergreen: #friendship

Create and Promote Your Brand Hashtag

A brand-specific hashtag is a great way to promote your social media campaigns and more importantly, online presence. An intriguing, engaging, relatable hashtag encourages users to use it with their content.

Whether you run a small business or a multinational brand does not matter. A hashtag can help with the following;

  • Increase brand visibility
  • Create brand awareness
  • Help to get more post reach
  • Make the audience curious to get involved
  • Promote events in a creative way

E.g : Lay’s used the hashtag- #DoUsAFlavor to promote their campaign.

Through this hashtag, they managed to involve their audience by letting them vote for their favorite chips (Lay’s) flavor on Instagram and other social media platforms.

How to Get Free Instagram Followers Through Other People

Follow Relevant Accounts

When you follow people on Instagram, the chances are that they will check out your Insta feed. The possibility of follow-back increases if your content is relevant to them or gets their attention.

Instagram “Suggested for You” is an easy way to find relevant accounts. This usually appears on your profile when you follow an account, so keep a close eye. Don’t follow too many accounts in one go. Make sure your “followers” number is higher than “following.”

Woosper Pro Tip: Do not practice the “follow for follow back” thing- it’s terrible for your brand reputation.  

Avoid Fake Followers

I know having a long list of followers is tempting, but if you want to get free Instagram followers- this is undoubtedly the practice you DO NOT want to be a part of.

There is a gigantic gap between fake followers and legitimate ones. Having counterfeit followers can damage your Instagram account in ways you can’t imagine. Fake Instagram followers can;

  • No ROI: Fake followers would not purchase anything, leading to low ROI. Real people follow your account for a reason; they like your content and might buy your products in the future. Focus on getting organic followers.
  • No Activity Whatsoever: If you get, let’s assume, 10,000 fake followers, how many of them are going to comment, like, or share your content? None. More likely, Instagram would block or clear all the fake bots pretending to be real people.

Real people are gems. A real person would like, comment, or possibly share your reels, content, or videos they want. Gain followers in genuine and authentic ways instead of getting involved in fake scenarios.

Also be proactive and respond within the expected time frame with a suitable reply.

Comment on Followers’ Posts to Show Care

Commenting is a sweet gesture and can initiate a friendly conversation, eventually leading to a mutually respectful relationship. It shows you care and you see what your followers are posting, plus it also helps raise reach and engagement levels.

Participate in Popular Conversations

Take part in ongoing comment conversations to be in the eyes of active followers. This way, you can promote your vision or profile, but make sure the reply is relevant and catchy.

Engage with Existing Communities- Treat Them as Gold

It takes time to build communities within an integrated social time. And Instagram is all about creating and investing in communities. You have no idea how powerful community influence can be on an individual.

Also Read : Engagement Tactics You Can Steal

Get involved by liking or commenting on a community member’s post; make sure not to post generic comments such as “Like this” or “Wow, love it!”, Offer a different insight and make your comment stand out from the rest.

This helps in two ways:

  • People get notifications when you like or comment on their posts and may return the favor by doing the same.
  • Other participants may see your comment and visit your profile.

Ask Partners or Clients to Share Content

On your journey to learn marketing strategy for how to get more followers on instagram, you’ll know the literal value of your audience. The more people follow you organically; naturally, you’ll have more customers interested in your products or services.

You can ask previous clients or buyers to share your previous content. When users who have used your products or services post good reviews or share your content, potential consumers can notice the same.

Tag Relevant Users

Tagging someone in your post is easy-peasy.

Just mention the person you wish to tag with an @person’s name in your caption or by using the Instagram tagging feature on an image. Either way, the tagged person will receive a notification.

When you tag someone, the person is obliged to react, plus their followers will also see the post. In addition, your post will be reflected in your profile’s Tagged tab.

You can also tag users in your Instagram reel, making it easier to reach the target audience and also enabling them to re-share the reel. If they re-share, everyone who sees their reel will see your user’s name and can visit your profile. Tag someone in your post or related to it; they can be your co-workers, existing clients, other relevant businesses, regular followers, or suppliers.

Encourage Users to Tag You

Be open to tagging. Practice this whenever possible. Tagging is a great way to get free Instagram followers. When someone tags you, reply in the best creative way possible.

Monitor Tagged Posts

A good reputation is crucial to keep for a brand. One way to maintain tabs is to regularly notice what kind of posts your brand is getting tagged in. As I told you before, your followers can see the posts you are tagged in. So, keep an eye on who’s posting and in what type of posts.

Share User-Generated Content

User-generated content, short for UGC, is any content- a text, image, video, reel, post, etc.- created by people.

Post-user-generated content whenever you get a chance. This will help gain your followers’ trust and build social proof. But also assist in creating a community within your followers. Add this to your Instagram marketing strategy.

Ask people to share their best content with you in exchange for an award such as a collaboration, etc.

Also Read
Top 7 Content Marketing Trends

Promote Your Account on Other Platforms

This is the easiest way to get free followers on Instagram.

If people follow you on other social media networks, then make sure they know about your Instagram handle. Share a link to your Instagram account and offer a reason to follow you.

On Twitter, you can share lengthy backstage videos redirecting to your Instagram account.

This is just an example. Many brands practice this for maximum reach.

Free followers on Instagram is not a myth. Spreading information now and then works like magic sometimes. Add a link to your account via email, and place it on your website, below the blog main page- everywhere you get a chance.

And if you are opening a new Instagram account, make sure to post a minimum of 10 posts before you start your promotion.

How to Get Free Instagram Followers-  
The Value of Influencer Marketing   

Work with Influencers

Getting mentioned by an influencer can significantly impact your number of followers- this we all know! But how can we get someone with expertise to listen to us?

You need a strategy. And you need to follow it with the highest level of sincerity. You’ll need to do the following;

  • Research: The word holds gigantic significance. After careful and thorough research. Create a list of influencers in your niche or relevant to your account.
  • Invest in Equal Influencers: Initially, target small accounts and build a genuine relationship eventually with time.
  • Be Real and Honest: Work with one influencer and get to know them thoroughly. Set a time limit- it can be a week or two. Act like an obsessive person (not literally), turn on notifications for their posts, like their content, comment in between, etc. In short, engage with them.

Ask for Shoutouts

After the necessary introduction and trust-building, do anything to get an influencer attention, comment on their post (it should be meaningful), and re-share their content. And when the time is right, get direct and with confidence- ask for an S4S deal or request to share content with your major influencer.   

How to Get More Free Instagram Followers Through Reels,  
Stories, IGTV, and Insta Live

Utilize Instagram Stories

According to a study by Instagram, more than 500 million people watch stories every day- this is huge.

People who utilize stories get far more engagement than those who don’t. Try to post a story every other day. On special occasions, you can post more. This is an uncomplicated way to get free Instagram followers.

The primary purpose is to be active and valuable to your followers. Plus, it’s a great way to interact and is easy to share with your followers. Ensure to use meaningful and relevant hashtags, and don’t forget to add location.

Make Use of Stories Highlight

Stories highlight gives an insight into your business if utilized properly- it’s the first thing you see after the bio. Include information regarding services to show visitors your USPs and capabilities.

Insta Reels

Have you seen a boost in your reach after posting a reel? Sadly, you are not the only one.

Instagram reels are an easy yet challenging tool to get free Instagram followers. At Woosper, we have experienced several instances where our account engagement levels increase after posting a reel.

We believe in creating fun and informative reels for our viewers. Every new or old business has used Insta reels to gain free followers. And got a great response every time.

Reels not only boost engagement but can also have a solid effect on your conversion rate. In short, go big with reels.

Be Insta Live Once in a While

Instagram Live lets you feature live stream to your Instagram followers in real-time. Your live feed remains in front, you can see it which means you get many chances to get users attention without any interruption from algorithm.

It’s a perfect opportunity. You can ask and answer questions, interact with your fans- all at the same time.

You can also go for the “Go Live with a Friend” option to get views from a different audience. Ask the person to host a live video and ask you to come on as a guest. Screen would be shared by both of you and followers can interact.

During the pandemic, this feature was mostly used for interviews, product launches, to deliver news as transportation was banned. Popular tv show hosts also used live collaboration to take interviews or to launch movie trailers, some of these were televised as well.

Invest in IGTV

You can also try IGTV to get free Instagram followers. IGTV covers more space than posts or videos, encouraging viewers to visit your profile and these videos can be up to an hour-long, offering enough time to explain any topic in focus.

Other Best Practices to Get More Free Instagram Followers

Analyze Your Competitors

A little social media competitive analysis can go a long way. Every business has a rival that keeps the competition always on edge. Find out what they post, at what time, how often, and in which formats.

Please keep a close tab on every competition for one week, catch any proper digital strategy, and shape it according to your purpose. You can also figure out how and when to post content to get more followers.

Discover Your Best Time to Post

Do you remember the classic “Home Alone”- every scene in that movie still gets recognition just only because of perfect timing. The best time to post on Instagram is just like that. Timing matters a lot.

You must find the “best time” to post content. Make it a priority. Every account is unique, and many factors determine how a post will perform.

Other two great platforms that I can share that displays best information are Later, and Sprout Social. According to Later (August 2021 report) best time to get Instagram followers is;

  • Best time of day: 3am-6am
  • Best day: Sunday
  • Best day and time: Sunday 6am
  • Worst day: Weds and Thurs

Schedule Post in Advance

It’s wise to schedule your posts in advance. Many advanced scheduling tools are available such as Hootsuite, Later, Sprout Social, Buffer, etc, for any technical issue can happen, or the content can take time to upload, so better schedule posts early. Why is this important?

Posting content at the same time daily can create a consistent flow. Plus, it saves time.

Post Great Content

Content is paramount to your entire Instagram marketing strategy. Publish the most fantastic content you can create every single time. And post consistently. Without interesting content, it becomes tough to get free Instagram followers. Most accounts, after a while, start posting casually, don’t do that.

Discover More
Importance of Content Marketing

Post with the same enthusiasm you started. But what makes content great? Below are suggestions that might help;

  • Useful Content: Come up with content that is beneficial for the majority of followers. It can be tips, facts, news, health advice, historical events, etc.
  • Thoughtful: Content that sheds light on life values, family importance, career importance, lifestyle, etc.
  • Engaging: Post polls, contests, go live, etc.
  • Entertaining: As I described earlier, try to include entertaining content.

Host an Instagram Giveaway

Hosting an Instagram giveaway can help get new followers and expand reach. It’s a fun and exciting tactic that many brands use.

With correct planning, you can reach new Instagram followers at distant locations, also just make sure the price is appalling and gets people interested in one-go.

  • Set clear requirements
  • Tag a friend in the comment section
  • Try to host with a partner

Create an Instagram Challenge

Instagram challenges have always been a popular way to engage with followers. Remember the Dalogona coffee challenge or the ice-bucket one?

You can try (at least) to come up with a challenge. Make sure the participation is manageable, and create a branded hashtag to keep track. Take inspiration from famous old challenges.

Create an AR Filter

The beloved puppy ear filter, remember? Yes, it was an AR (Augmented Reality) filter. Those are fun; right to try with friends?

Did you know that Instagram users can also create an AR filter? Wow, amazing. To build something which many users can use. Imagine the number of Instagram followers you can get through this feature.

How does creating an AR filter enhance your brand? Your name will appear whenever someone uses your created filter and thus taking the user to your profile. The filter can raise curiosity and push visitors to check out your profile.

How Do You Manage Your Instagram Marketing?

Is it working out well? Are you getting the expected results?

Gaining new followers is not an easy task. We sincerely hope you learned a great deal through this blog!

Instagram popularity is ever-growing. Follow and take advantage of these tips to get new and FREE Instagram followers and grow reach.


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Woosper is a digital marketing company with years of delivering successful results with remarkable branding strategies. We have a social media marketing, marketing, and advertisers’ team that sets apart expertise in the vast marketing industry. Woosper is based in India with an office in Chatsworth, USA.  

Woosper team begins every project with a clear idea; we map out every aspect of our client’s requirement, the suggestion given before, and the need before finalizing any result.  

Our team of marketers, writers, project strategists, and dedicated project managers strengthens our daily capacities. Our expertise in branding, comprehensive solutions, and constant investment in new techniques and tools- keep us ahead of our competition. Thus, it gives us a heads-up impression among some top marketing agencies.  

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They offer listing services for various technologies, making it an all-in-stop destination for determining the most suitable technology partner for you.  

Their in-depth research supports listed companies. TopDevelopers’ hassle-free listing process deserves applause for the great job they have been doing and for being amazingly supportive. The team is also credited for solving technical issues and providing swift assistance. We are again thankful to TopDevelopers for ranking Woosper as one of the top 100 digital marketing companies in USA.