Simran Dhawan - Woosper
Expert Insights

Social Media Growth Strategy Talks – Jaideep Parashar


We are witnessing industries where leaders have become more aware, vision-driven and value oriented. Social media platforms like LinkedIn have emerged as a leading networking community where you will get to know about insights & get a chance to connect with such leaders. We had the chance to connect with one such leader Jaideep Parashar, a well-known name in the LinkedIn growth industry, who always presents his invaluable insights in a way that every marketing expert can relate to. 

He shares his opinions on Social media growth strategy while keeping the interests of his viewers in mind, and this is what makes him stand out from the competition. To learn more about Jaideep Parashar and his observations that are pertinent to the industry, see the post that follows. 

To take this intuitive discussion forward, Simran Dhawan – Content Strategist, Woosper, hosted the session with a set of intriguing questions that gave an in-depth understanding of LinkedIn growth strategies. 

Simran: Can you tell us about your professional background? How did you become a LinkedIn growth expert? 

Jaideep: Years back, I started my career as a passionate researcher with an aim to learn the In-depth about business management and success. After years of study and strategic market research, I was looking for a platform where I could share my knowledge and LinkedIn was the platform to impart my insights. 

I recorded my everyday LinkedIn market strategy progress for the last 3 years in an excel sheet to study it and it became a strong foundation of my LinkedIn knowledge. 

Simran: In your experience, what are the steps to becoming a LinkedIn Growth Expert? How do we do it? 

Jaideep: There are three steps to become LinkedIn Growth Expert: 

  • Have deep understanding of LinkedIn algorithm and how it influences the reach. 
  • Build influence so that you take your message to the last person. My content reach is 60 million now due to the right influence. 
  • Keep experimenting with the content as it gives more insights about the content, ideas and algorithm support. 

Simran: What do you wish more people knew about the role a LinkedIn Growth Expert plays in the success of a business 

Jaideep:  As an expert, my job is to make strategies for high profile professionals and businesses so that they can achieve maximum result from LinkedIn. On LinkedIn, it’s not about the Like or comments, it’s about who is the target audience and how to reach them with an ideal message. 

Simran: What are some latest trends & best practices for companies who want to use LinkedIn marketing strategy to grow their business? 

Jaideep: There are many trends one can observe currently on LinkedIn: 

  • The content with the message of humanity, kindness or bonding gets the maximum response. 
  • Video based content gets maximum response from users in comparison to text based post only. 
  • The first line of the post is the most important part of the post. The first line defines the future of the post. 

Simran: What are a few things you should never do while doing LinkedIn marketing? 

Jaideep: My advice is that:  

Before starting any big campaigns, test some small campaigns. Once you become sure of the success, and then launch your big marketing campaigns

If you don’t get results in the first three weeks, either change or leave the campaigns altogether. 

Never focus too much on sales or lead. Educating the audience is the key. 

Simran: In your opinion, what are the most crucial leadership lessons that aspiring leaders should learn early on? 

Jaideep: My opinion would be: 

  • Always focus on helping people by adding values. 
  • There is no shortcut to success on LinkedIn so avoid looking for shortcut. 
  • LinkedIn is not just a business platform, it’s a platform of learning and networking. 

Simran: What are the most common reasons a LinkedIn marketer fails to achieve their goals? 

Jaideep: There can be many reasons but during research I found the following as the most crucial reason as: 

  • They don’t pay attention to identifying the target audience. 
  • They don’t give a single message through their campaigns. 
  • They don’t work for a considerable amount of time. My last marketing series was 6 months long and the 2nd last series was 8 months long.
  • They do less research and experiment about their content. 

Simran: Why is continuous learning and training so crucial to career growth? 

Jaideep: The speed of information generation is very high and it’s really difficult to match the pace of information. The information we currently hold will become obsolete in a couple of years and with obsolete information, it’s hard to make career progress. 

In my last 14 years of research career, I never seen such fast speed of information generation. 

According to Alvin Toffler, 21st Century belongs to those who can learn, unlearn and relearn. 

Simran: How can business leaders connect with you? 

Jaideep: Leaders can connect with me through my LinkedIn Account:

In a Nutshell: 

We hope the above QnA gave you a refreshing view of how to improve your Business profile on LinkedIn, of how you can channelize LinkedIn strategizing into your marketing plan of action to boost various social media marketing aspects and get improved results. 

Marketing experts at Woosper believe in sharing helpful insights that are always directed towards betterment of innovations and the industry as a whole. Follow us today to get more insights like this or get in touch at:

Expert Insights

In Talks With TwittaNerd – Lindo Myeni

It is great to know how leaders think and strategize when it comes to the ever-changing digital marketing industry. In a world where almost every branding and marketing agency is aiming towards presenting a unique, distinct and relevant brand image, we got an opportunity to connect with TwittaNerd an award-winning influencer, a well-known name in the marketing influencer industry, who always presents his valuable insights in a manner that every marketing expert can resonate with. 

He keeps his viewers’ interests at the center while sharing his thoughts & that’s what sets him apart from the rest. Check out the following post to read more about TwittaNerd (Lindo Myeni) and his industry-relevant insights. 

To take this insightful discussion forward, Simran Dhawan – Content Strategist, Woosper, hosted the session with a set of intriguing questions that gave an in-depth understanding of influencer marketing. 

Simran: Tell us a bit about yourself.   

Lindo Myeni: I am a social media manager and influencer based in Johannesburg, South Africa. I have been working in social media for over half a decade now, started out while I was at college to be exposed in working with big brands as influencer. I am a scholar of the social media marketing game, I realized very early to stay relevant and effective, and also to be always eager to learn and remain teachable is key to success.  

Simran: What does the word “influencer” mean to you?   

Lindo Myeni: Influencer means credibility and authority. An influencer is someone who has the power to affect the purchasing decisions of others because of his or her authority, knowledge, position, or relationship with his or her audience. The two key ingredients in influencer marketing success are trust and authority. 

Simran: ChatGPT has drawn so much attention in recent times. It has created a debate in the marketing industry. What are your thoughts on this?  

Lindo Myeni: Marketers can employ ChatGPT, a potent AI tool, to increase the effectiveness and precision of their campaign efforts. ChatGPT is a platform that marketers can use to save time, effort, and money while still generating high-quality ideas, from lead generation and content development to customer service and search engine optimization. 

Simran: You have been doing influencer marketing since 2015. Has industry changed much, and if it has, can you share a significant change or progress that shaped the industry as it is in 2023?  

Lindo Myeni: I started working as an influencer back in 2015 and the influencer industry has evolved drastically since then – In 2023, it’s safe to say we are at the peak of influencer marketing. Today, digital communities rule the world of commerce and at the top of each community are influencers.

When influencers proliferated, businesses began to take advantage of their power by offering them free merchandise (and occasionally even cash) and asking them to share it with their audience. This strategy eventually gave rise to the sector of influencer marketing that we now know and love.  

Simran:  Everyday competition gets tougher in the marketing industry. People criticize each other to gain attention. How do you deal with growing competition?  

Lindo Myeni: I managed to stay this long because I realized very early that not keeping up is falling behind. Don’t hate the player, hate the game is the principle that you remain respectful and compassionate towards people in any competition. I embrace the challenge as it presents an opportunity to be creative and grow as an influencer.  

Simran: What do you find most challenging and easiest about blogging? 

Lindo Myeni: Consistency — I know this story well. When I was freelancing, I made a commitment to post on my blog once per week, in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. No matter what, that post was going up. Now that I’m employed full time and spend most of the day on the computer, I find it much more challenging to motivate myself to write regularly, and to prioritize it alongside exercising, cooking, cleaning, nurturing my relationships, and just generally managing life.

Connect, share & grow. I love to write and share my experiences, ideas, and inspiration with the world, So, I’ve developed certain tactics that have enabled me to get on the blogging bandwagon, and it feels so wonderful. Before I had a blog, I used to publish my articles on Medium

Simran: Can you share one social media marketing secret tip with our readers?   

Lindo Myeni: There is no secret in social media marketing, as soon as you press a post or publish button your then secret is out! It is a drive and inspiration to do what you love that keeps you going — I remember in the early days when I was volunteering to build case studies it was that drive that kept me going. And maybe my advice to other fellow marketers is that they should remain teachable, I am also a scholar of the game. Perhaps the secret, though, would be to keep it authentic. 

Simran: What, according to you, will be the future of influencer marketing?   

Lindo Myeni: Authenticity will always win! The name of the game, when it comes to influencer’s content, is one: authenticity. Presenting authentic, unfiltered content is a significant trend right now, and marketers are jumping on board swiftly to take advantage of its (profitable) advantages. Influencers are gravitating for true, unvarnished content rather than the constantly updated, entertaining filters that Instagram adds to videos and photographs.

From showing bodies exactly like they are to guiding followers through product tutorials in a fun, playful way, the atmosphere that authentic content delivers are relaxed, friendly, and relatability. In 2023 and beyond, it is very likely that we will see more and more collaborations between influencers, particularly on Instagram and TikTok. The rise of affiliate and influencer marketing is also one of those things we have to look out for now going into the future.

The line between affiliates and influencers is becoming increasingly blurred as influencer platforms integrate with eCommerce more and more, moving beyond simple ‘awareness’ campaigns to actually drive sales. Brands are looking for long term partnerships with influencers instead of once-off projects, in 2023 expect brands and influencers to join together for long-term, ongoing projects rather than one-off sponsored posts. 

Simran: What advice would you have for someone wanting to become an influencer or a digital creator?  

Lindo Myeni: My advice would be to start, meaning that if you start creating content and growing your audience you would be in a better position to work with brands in the future. Authentic and honesty to your audience is very important to succeed in this game.

Influencer marketing is a developing phenomenon and trend that is gaining popularity. Many marketing organizations are starting to use it as a common marketing strategy. Becoming an influencer is never too late, especially if you have a specific niche in mind. In 2023 and beyond — more nano influencers will become popular as a way for marketers to reach targeted audiences. 

Simran: Where can people go to find out more about you online? 

Lindo Myeni: You can find my Twitter profile here-  

In a Nutshell

Hope the above QnA gave you a refreshing view of digital marketing and its trends, of how you can channelize influencer marketing into your marketing plan of action to boost various social media aspects and get improved results. 

Marketing experts at Woosper believe in sharing helpful insights that are always directed towards betterment of innovations and the industry as a whole. Follow us today to get more insights like this or get in touch at

Google Updates

Get Better Search Results than ever with Google’s New Product Review Update

We are witnessing a time where search engine industry giant Google is updating its search engine algorithms and has recently launched a new product review update. Google’s algorithm is updated frequently to guarantee that users receive the best search results. 

Now, anyone who has done any internet shopping understands how crucial product reviews are. Although people like reading product reviews generally, most people find Google reviews above all. This indicates that for the greatest outcomes, you should pay attention to Google’s product review update if you operate an e-commerce website or work on publishing product reviews on Google. 

Here’s what the doc has to say: “Google Search is always working to show the most useful and helpful information possible, through testing, experimenting, and review processes. From this, we know people appreciate product reviews that share in-depth research, rather than thin content that simply summarizes a bunch of products. That’s why we’re sharing an improvement to our ranking systems, which we call the product reviews update, that’s designed to better reward such content. 

This update is going out today and only involves English language reviews for now. We believe this will further help those producing rich content in the product reviews area.” 

In a nutshell, Google will prioritize thorough, educational product reviews above “thin content that merely lists a lot of things” at the top of search results. 

For instance, reviews that concentrate on a product’s features, explain how it works, and list both the positives and cons of the item may be given more weight than evaluations that merely highlight how excellent or horrible the item is. 

The goal of this update is to make sure users are receiving reliable guidance rather than unuseful info. Users can now read specialized, educational, and detailed reviews instead of having to scroll through hundreds of low-quality reviews in order to make the best purchasing decisions. 

Currently, this update only includes reviews in English, but it might soon include reviews in other languages as well. So, it’s preferable to be ready for a massive shift, if you work in the e-commerce sector. Your approach to writing product reviews might need to be revised. 

According to the new update here are some more pertinent queries to think about when writing product evaluations for people who are producing content. Your reviews should be able to: 

  • “Express expert knowledge about products where appropriate? 
  • Show what the product is like physically, or how it is used, with unique content beyond what’s provided by the manufacturer? 
  • Provide quantitative measurements about how a product measures up in various categories of performance? 
  • Explain what sets a product apart from its competitors? 
  • Cover comparable products to consider, or explain which products might be best for certain uses or circumstances? 
  • Discuss the benefits and drawbacks of a particular product, based on research into it? 
  • Describe how a product has evolved from previous models or releases to provide improvements, address issues, or otherwise help users in making a purchase decision? 
  • Identify key decision-making factors for the product’s category and how the product performs in those areas? For example, a car review might determine that fuel economy, safety, and handling are key decision-making factors and rate performance in those areas. 
  • Describe key choices in how a product has been designed and their effect on the users beyond what the manufacturer says?” 

The newest Google product review upgrade is an extension of this ambition as the new criteria demonstrate the search engine is more interested in giving people access to reliable information. 

Let’s look at a few potential impacts of Google’s Product Review Update 

The Google product review upgrade requires you to concentrate on producing more in-depth evaluations that provide comprehensive information about the product beyond what the manufacturer states if you own an affiliate website. 

As a result, your content will rank better and draw in more natural visitors.  

On the other hand, you run the danger of being negatively impacted by the new update if your affiliate site is full of superficial product evaluations that merely list the characteristics without contributing new information. 

To rank higher on search engines, you must ensure as an owner of an e-commerce business that the product reviews are thorough and educational. 

Final thoughts on Google product review update 

To provide its consumers with the greatest search results, Google periodically makes algorithmic modifications. The most recent modification to the product review system prioritizes reviews that are actually helpful.  

Due to the potential dependence of their business models on product reviews, affiliate site owners and online retailers should pay particular attention to these changes. 

Google periodically makes algorithmic modifications. The most recent modification to the product review system prioritizes reviews that are actually helpful. We sincerely hope this advice proves to be beneficial. 

Google Updates

Google Rolls Out the Best SEO Link Practices

To understand why a company/brand needs to adapt a particular strategy or trend it is essential to know how it functions and will it help your brand for growth, because the ultimate goal of any action taken is to achieve success. Therefore, in this blog we will focus on elaborating the best SEO link practices and how it benefits your content digitally. 

Google has recently announced its own version on the Link building best practices. When evaluating the relevance of pages and seeking out new pages to crawl, Google employs links as a signal. Learn how to optimize your anchor text so that both people and Google can understand your material, as well as how to make your links crawlable so that Google can find additional pages on your site via the links on your page. 

Links are crucial in the process of SEO, whether they are third-party links or links within your own website because they make the content piece interactive, engaging, and they help build a direct association between the quality/quantity of links to your website and how much search traffic your site obtains. 

In simpler words, links are the fuel you need to drive your brand’s vehicle towards its targeted success in the wonderful universe of SEO

Link building can either be done by naturally obtaining them with the support of exemplary research or by creating engaging content highlighting your brand; at the end, more links result in a higher ranking in SERPS! 

Let’s take a look at the link building best practice suggestions from Google: 

Crawlable Links 

The new google documentation says: “Generally, Google can only crawl your link if it’s an <a> HTML element (also known as anchor element) with an href attribute. Most links in other formats won’t be parsed and extracted by Google’s crawlers. Google can’t reliably extract URLs from <a> elements that don’t have an href attribute or other tags that perform as links because of script events. Here are examples of links that Google can and can’t parse” 


<a href=””> 

<a href=”/products/category/shoes”> 

Not Recommended: 

<a routerLink=”products/category”> 

<span href=””> 

Note from Google: “Make sure that the URL in your <a> element resolves into an actual web address (meaning, it resembles a URI) that Google crawlers can send requests to, for example”: 

Recommended (Google can resolve): 

<a href=””> 

<a href=”/products”> 

<a href=”/products.php?id=123″> 

Not recommended (but Google may still attempt to resolve this): 

<a href=”javascript:goTo(‘products’)”> 

<a href=”javascript:window.location.href=’/products'”> 

Anchor Text placement 

Use rich anchor text links, per Google’s request. They can learn more about the linked page from this. 

According to the documentation: “Anchor text (also known as link text) is the visible text of a link. This text tells people and Google something about the page you’re linking to. Place anchor text between <a> elements that Google can crawl”. 


<a href=””>ghost peppers</a> 

Bad (empty link text): 

<a href=””></a> 

This link could be better since there is no anchor text, which is why it doesn’t aid their algorithm in determining the topic of the page. Google will use the title attribute if an anchor text is empty but a link has a title attribute. Here is an illustration of that: 

<a href=”” title=”how to pickle ghost peppers”></a> 

This demonstrates how Google uses the title properties in links to determine how to rank a page. They just prefer that you use links with rich anchor language like: 

<a href=””>ghost peppers</a> 

Additionally, they encourage the usage of alt text for photos, using it as the anchor text when appropriate. Here’s an illustration: 

<a href=”/add-to-cart.html”><img src=”enchiladas-in-shopping-cart.jpg” alt=”add enchiladas to your cart“/></a> 

Make sure the alt text for your photographs is informative. In this manner, you can increase visitors from Google image search

How to write good anchor text 

Google added yet another new area in the recent doc: “Good anchor text is descriptive, reasonably concise, and relevant to the page that it’s on and to the page it links to. It provides context for the link, and sets the expectation for your readers. The better your anchor text, the easier it is for people to navigate your site and for Google to understand what the page you’re linking to is about.” 

Here are a few examples for that: 

For a full list of cheese available for purchase, see the <a href=””>list of cheese types</a>. 

Google also mentioned that they don’t want you to write long and lengthy anchor texts, for example, this is too descriptive & not recommended by Google: 

<a href=””>Knitted Cow invites local residents of Wisconsin to their grand re-opening by also offering complimentary cow-shaped ice sculptures</a> to the first 20 customers. 

Rather you they prefer something like this: 

<a href=””>Knitted Cow invites local residents of Wisconsin</a> to their grand re-opening by also offering complimentary cow-shaped ice sculptures to the first 20 customers. 

In Google’s policy, keyword stuffing is mentioned as a prohibited practice. Thus, in order to succeed, you don’t need to include too many keywords in the anchor text. Additionally, one word anchor texts are too general and don’t benefit Google sufficiently. 

Internal Linking for SEO 

No set number of links is required, according to Google, which says: “You may usually think about linking in terms of pointing to external websites, but paying more attention to the anchor text used for internal links can help both people and Google make sense of your site more easily and find other pages on your site. Every page you care about should have a link from at least one other page on your site. Think about what other resources on your site could help your readers understand a given page on your site, and link to those pages in context.” 


External Linking for SEO 

According to the doc: “Linking to other sites isn’t something to be scared of; in fact, using external links can help establish trustworthiness (for example, citing your sources). Link out to external sites when it makes sense, and provide context to your readers about what they can expect.” 


In simpler words, google does not want them too close or similar to each other, for example: 

I’ve written about cheese  

<a href=”″>so</a>  

<a href=”″>many</a>  

<a href=”″>times</a>  

<a href=”″>this</a>  

<a href=”″>year</a>. 

For them, it is not ideal. 

You should space out your links by at least a few words, if not a sentence or two. Here is the more suitable illustration that they provided. 

I’ve written about cheese so many times this year: who can forget the  

<a href=””>controversy over blue cheese and gorgonzola</a>, the <a href=””>world’s oldest brie</a> piece that won the Cheesiest Research Medal, the epic retelling of <a href=””>The Lost Cheese</a>, and my personal favorite, <a href=””>A Boy and His Cheese: a story of two unlikely friends</a>. 

In short, Internal and external links are encouraged by Google since they aid in the decision-making process for how to rank websites. 

Google still encourage you to utilize rich anchor text, for instance, when you use internal links to link to other pages on your website. 

They make it clear that the anchor language ought to be understandable enough for users to understand what they are clicking on and the purpose of the linked page. 

Google is in the same position. They should be able to comprehend the purpose of the connected page from the internal link’s anchor text as well. 


Google advises you to create links like mentioned below if you want to rank well: 

  • Strong anchor text enhances your rankings because it contains keywords. 
  • Short anchor text is preferred because Google doesn’t like extensive anchor text. 
  • Use alt text; it takes the role of anchor text for images. 
  • Use title attributes because Google uses them to identify anchor text. 
  • Spread out your links; ideally, there should be a few words or even a few lines between each one. 
  • Use internal links. While you shouldn’t disregard external links, which are the focus of most SEOs, internal connections are a simple approach to improve your ranks. 
Retail Marketing

Retail Marketing Strategies to Drive Sales 2023 – A Detailed Guide

People are shopping in ways they never imagined before, combining the online and in-store shopping experiences to best meet their needs. It is more important than ever to satisfy your clients where they choose to shop and to center your retail marketing and customer experience on them. 

This guide will teach you how to communicate with clients on these new retail marketing strategies and increase sales. We’ve gathered the most useful tools, product recommendations, and consumer insights to assist you in meeting your business and marketing goals. Whether you want to improve the future of retail marketing mix or create a game plan for the festive season, this guide has you covered. 

1. Users Usually Turn to Google Every day for Browsing, Researching, and Buying 

Each day, hundreds of millions of individuals use Google to find and buy what they want. 

We’ve seen a shift in the path to purchase in recent years, with buyers incorporating online and in-store shopping experiences to fulfill their evolving requirements. Identifying where and when to appear is critical for connecting with current and prospective clients. 

Contact Users as and When They Browse 

People use the internet to learn new things and stay up to date on topics that are important to them. Shoppers discover new brands and products that are relevant to them as they browse Google and YouTube. 

Engage Buyers as and when they Research 

Shoppers are always searching for the ideal product to meet their needs. Before making a purchase, they gather information from reliable sources in order to evaluate products and narrow their options. 

They use Google to determine which product is the best in its category, compare prices, and read the most recent reviews. 

Convert Users Looking to Purchase 

Convenience is important when making a purchase, and shoppers choose brands that can offer a seamless user experience wherever they prefer to shop.

They desire to be able to purchase a product online as soon as they discover it or to see what is in stock at a local store. 

2. Construct your Label and Acquire New Buyers 

Construct your Label and Acquire New Buyers 

As a brand, it is critical to not only appear in places where potential clients may be surfing the web, but also to create meaningful and distinguishable value. Interactive and rich imaginative across video, Search, and Google feeds can help build awareness and clearly distinguish your brand with shoppers looking for similar products. These Branding Solutions often results in achieving organizational goals.

Also Read : Customer Retention: Strategies & Lessons from 7 Industry Giants 

Connect and Enlighten Customers via Video Content 

YouTube has evolved from a solely entertainment destination to a place where people come to learn, watch videos, and get ideas for their next purchase. On YouTube, people watch over a billion hours of video per day and generate billions of views. 

Connect and Enlighten Customers via Video Content

Be the Solution when Users Explore and Browse 

Shoppers don’t always have a specific particular item in mind when they search a category, and they frequently look for feedback or publications to help inform their judgment. For example, more than half of consumers in surveyed countries worldwide say they visit multiple websites before deciding what to buy and from whom. 

Find customers who are looking for products and services similar to yours 

Retail Marketing Strategies

The more you understand your audience, the simpler it is to communicate with them, so choosing the right audience solution for your ad campaign is critical to maximizing return on investment. 

3. Increase your online and in-App Sales 

Customers today live and shop in a channel-less world, which makes an omnichannel method more essential than ever. Customers expect to be able to shop wherever they want, whether that’s on your website, in your app, or directly within an ad experience.

Increase your online and in-App Sales

Making your products accessible in as many locations as possible is critical for increasing sales. 

Make online Shopping as Easy as Possible

Because your website and app serve as your digital storefront, it is critical that you provide a quick, seamless, and personalized experience to your customers. Indeed, more people than ever before are turning to mobile to meet their needs, and apps are becoming an essential part of the shopping experience. 

Display Your Product Information and Offers Across Google

Product Information and Offers Across Google

To increase sales, make your products available in as many places as possible where customers shop. Google now allows you to do this for free in the Shopping tab, as well as directly integrate your product into your ad experience. 

Engage New Customers on the Internet

Every day, customers shop across multiple Google surfaces, including Search, Discover, YouTube, Maps, and the Shopping tab. To increase your online sales, you must understand which ad campaigns are appropriate for you and can assist you in reaching the right person and converting them into a loyal customer. 

4. Increase Foot Traffic and Sales In-Store 

People rely on digital more than ever before to make purchasing decisions. However, it is important to note that shoppers use Google not only to find things to buy online, but also to find what they need nearby. Businesses with physical locations must provide a more personalized, seamless, and locally optimized experience to customers in order to capture sales.

Increase Foot Traffic and Sales In-Store

 Stand out with a Google Business Profile  

Shoppers frequently use Google to research product and business information before visiting a store. Claim your Business Profile for free to ensure you’re giving customers important information when they’re deciding where to buy, such as your address, pick – ups and delivery alternatives, and business hours.

Increase Store Visits and Sales in-Store 

Bringing customers to your store can be critical to generating revenue for traditional retailers and small businesses. Google has solutions to assist you in achieving this goal, whether it’s driving foot traffic to specific stores, emphasizing in-store sales, or promoting specific items that are available for curbside or store pickup. 

Insights Can be Used to Inform Your Strategy and Improve Performance

The customer journey of today does not follow a standard path; it is diverse, nonlinear, and constantly evolving. People conduct product research on a variety of devices, and marketers are looking for ways to deliver experiences that meet rising consumer expectations. For many marketers, the solution is to gain a better understanding of how to tailor their ads and products to satisfy such needs. 

With Google Ads, you Can Gain Valuable Insights for your Campaigns 

If you’re running ad campaigns & Digital Marketing Strategies for retail marketing, you have access to a variety of solutions directly within PPC Ads that can assist you drive good outcomes — everything from optimizing existing campaigns based on best practices to uncovering useful insights regarding your viewer that are customized to your company or organization and segment. 

Insights from Merchant Center can Help you Plan your Product and Pricing Strategy

Google has constructed numerous alternatives and input directly reporting into Merchant Center to assist you improve & measure your retail business marketing, whether you’re looking to update your product mix based on what’s popular on Google or to effectively implement how your products and price fluctuations compare to your competitors’. 




Guerilla Marketing

Understand Guerrilla Marketing & How it Impacts Your Branding

What Is Guerrilla Marketing? 

Guerrilla marketing generates noticeable brand exposure through advertising utilizing unique techniques to inspire surprise, astonishment, or surprise.

The late business author Jay Conrad Levinson, who wrote multiple books about guerrilla tactics in a variety of professional fields, coined the phrase in the early 1980s. Naturally, marketing was considerably different back then, and while guerilla marketing is still used today, the rapidly evolving digital landscape is changing how it appears. 

Guerrilla digital marketing strategies, however, are not a confrontational style of speaking. It boosts brand recognition with sizable audiences without interfering with them, making it a very unorthodox kind of marketing. 

When we hear the term “guerrilla marketing,” we can’t help but think of guerrilla warfare since this form of marketing gets its name from that activity. Guerrilla tactics in combat heavily rely on the element of surprise.

But how does that apply to the work we do on a daily basis? Guerrilla marketing tactics mostly rely on the element of surprise. It seeks to design very unorthodox marketing strategies that pounce on people as they go about their daily lives. 

Discover More : Top Strategies to Make Your Brand Launch Successful

Guerrilla marketing’s relatively low cost is something that marketers particularly appreciate. The true investment in this case is creative and intellectual; nonetheless, its execution need not be pricey. In his piece on “guerrilla content,” Michael Brenner succinctly defines it. He compares this form of marketing to reusing your existing material, such as growing each report section into a blog post. It’s a time investment rather than a financial one. 

Guerrilla marketing functions somewhat by reusing the surroundings of your target audience. Determine which parts of it may be evaluated and reused to include your brand. 

Let’s Explore a Few Types of Guerrilla Marketing 

There are quite a few subcategories of guerilla marketing, despite how specialized it may seem. 

  • Outdoor Guerrilla Marketing – adds something to already-existing urban settings, such as by attaching something detachable to a statue or by placing transient artwork on sidewalks and streets. 
  • Indoor Guerrilla Marketing – Guerrilla marketing in indoor spaces, such as railway stations, stores, and university campus buildings, is similar to outdoor guerilla marketing. 
  • Event Guerrilla Marketing – using an on-going event’s audience, such as a concert or athletic event, to prominently promote a good or service, typically without the event’s sponsors’ consent. 
  • Experiential Guerrilla Marketing – it is basically all a combination of all of the above, the only difference is the way it is executed, it requires the users to communicate with the brand. 

It might be difficult to understand Guerrilla marketing since it’s still a new concept. Let’s see stories of a few brands who applied guerilla advertising to their campaigns to better understand its functionality. 

BBC’s Dracula Billboard 

The huge billboard created by BBC that reminded everyone of the mysterious things that can take place at night is something you cannot miss. The brand wanted to capitalize on this emotion to promote its new show, Dracula.

During daytime, the billboard was designed with basic red text on a plain background with a few bloody stakes. However, going by the show’s concept, the billboard changed by nighttime, making it look more dangerous by playing with shadows.

The exhibit was eventually highlighted in Adweek and enjoyed some viral popularity for its originality and deft execution. 

Key Takeaway: The main point to remember is to be creative with your promotional materials. In this instance, only using light and shadow was sufficient to draw attention to the statement. 

Greene King’s Candid Yet Heartfelt Videos 

The bar and brewing company Greene King worried that small, local businesses, especially the pub, would begin to be replaced by giant corporate stores, so it started a campaign to emphasize how crucial these neighborhood institutions are. Bartenders, guests, and pub owners wrote content that made the difference.

These people received cameras to record video of the most memorable events and gatherings they had ever attended at these neighborhood pubs, such as weddings, funeral receptions, and birthday parties. These movies were posted on Greene King’s YouTube page and addressed the question, “Where would we enjoy these moments if not in these community gathering places?”

Key Takeaway: With guerrilla marketing, it’s acceptable to become a touch sentimental. Consider the feelings that your offer evokes. Next, ask your audience to develop content that reflects their personal connections to your brand. 

Fiji Water’s Fiji Girl 

One guerilla marketing technique to draw attention in subtle ways is strategic product placement. One such is the appearance of Fiji Water at the 2019 Golden Globes, where models dressed blue and carried water trays for thirsty viewers. 

Source : Fiji Water

But it didn’t end there. Kelleth Cuthbert, a model, would stand in the background during picture shoots and essentially photobomb famous people. 

Cuthbert became recognized as a common factor when the images started to circulate on social media, earning her the moniker #FijiGirl. In the end, she emerged as one of the evening’s highlights, gaining admirers and highlighting the reputation of Fiji Water. 

Key Takeaway: Your brand can stand out even if it isn’t the event’s main attraction. 

To Sum it Up 

We hope that understanding guerilla marketing ideas became a easier and that you might get inspired by the stories. It’s ok for crowdsource content strategies for your campaigns. Always remember to meet them where they are and introduce your brand. Instead of interjecting, entice them to speak. 

Geofencing Marketing

Essentials of Geofencing Marketing & Its Benefits For Business

You can use Geofencing marketing to reach out to your target audience while they are shopping with your competitor, browsing your offline or online store, or even preparing to use your service. But first let’s understand what geofencing marketing is. 

Consider how much more efficient it is to target specific buildings and areas for a company as opposed to a 1-mile or 2-mile radius of the location you want to target. You can use geofencing to create individual fences around specific locations where you know your ideal client frequents. Consider a personal injury attorney who wishes to reach out to accident victims. Targeting hospitals and ER centers may be the ideal place to showcase your ads in order to increase awareness and direct response for your law firm. 

What is Geofencing Marketing? 

Geofencing marketing is a type of location-based advertising that allows marketers to more precisely target their advertising and content delivery based on the targeted area such as a store, mobile apps, or mobile websites. Marketers can better connect with the people who live in those areas by using geofencing marketing. Before approaching the top digital marketing Agency to enlist their services for Geofence marketing, it is critical that you become more acquainted with the intricacies of this type of marketing. 

What is Geofencing Marketing?

Technologies Used in Geofencing Marketing 

Geofencing, as a location-based technology, relies on a number of technologies, including Wi-Fi, GPS, radio-frequency identification (RFID), and Bluetooth. That was unthinkable decades ago, but it is now a reality for business owners. 

Geofence technology, used in location-based marketing, essentially creates a virtual boundary that automatically targets consumers who cross the boundary into the geofenced area. Geofencing marketing is an effective tool for marketing teams to deliver brand messages to the right customers at the right time. 

Technologies Used in Geofencing Marketing 

The marketing team creates advertisements and content that are specifically tailored to the targeted consumers. People in New York City have very different needs and priorities than people in rural Kansas, so creating content that appeals to both audiences would almost certainly be a waste of time. 

Geofencing works by directing internet-capable devices within the geofenced area. Customers may receive alerts or notifications about your brand’s current offers, limited-time promotions, and events where they can interact with your brand when they travel into these areas. 

Let’s look at a few examples of how Geofencing Marketing can take place 

  • Law firms and healthcare providers, for example, can geofence their advertising efforts to specific service areas. 
  • Companies that travel for marketing events and industry conferences could use geofences to establish brand awareness ahead of their local appearances. 
  • A business owner could set up a geofence to capture potential customers who are leaving a competitor’s location in order to entice them with more appealing deals. 
  • A physical retail store could set up a geofence in the vicinity of its physical location. A business owner, for example, could set the geofence to a 20-mile radius around the store to focus on the nearest potential customers. 

Cost of Geofencing Marketing 

Geofencing marketing costs, on average, between USD 4-USD 14 CPM (cpm=cost per thousand impressions). Be prepared to pay USD 5 for targeting 20 thousand square feet on specific ad platforms such as Snapchat. The exact price is determined by a number of factors, including: 

  • The Type of Reporting You Want – Not all geofencing reports created are equal. Some may provide a detailed breakdown of impressions by location, while others may only provide an overview of the campaign. Make sure to budget for the level of reporting and targeting features. 
  • What Level of Data Layering Do you Require? – The more data you want from your geofencing campaign, the more expensive it will be. So, a campaign that would normally cost a few thousand dollars can easily double or triple in price depending on the extra features you want to include. It is best to speak with your agency and work out a plan that meets your needs while keeping costs low. 

These can have a significant impact on the cost of your campaign. It’s simple: installing twenty geofences in a single location will undoubtedly cost more than installing a single geofence throughout the entire location. Furthermore, when the geofence is larger, the CPM is lower because there is more volume and inventory.

Let’s Explore 10 Advantages of Geofencing Marketing 

1. Optimized Data and Analytics 

Analytics is a critical component of geofencing marketing. It is data-driven, providing actionable information to your marketing team or marketing provider for your next campaign. Geofencing also provides real-time data to your team. 

2. Improve User Engagement 

Based on the data you collect; you can improve your campaigns and increase user engagement rates. You’re also learning which calls-to-action (CTAs) and ad copy are most effective in your target market. In short, you’re honing your audience in order to achieve better results. 

3. Increase Shopper Loyalty 

To build and maintain consumer loyalty, use geofencing marketing. It costs ten times more to acquire a new customer than it does to keep an existing one. That is why establishing shopper loyalty is so important in today’s market. Geofencing marketing can benefit your business without always offering promotions or discounts. 

4. Target Users at the Location 

You can target users while they are in the target location using geofencing. They could be using their smartphone, tablet, or laptop to play apps or browse websites when they see your ads. So you can target them and speak to them while they are present. 

5. You can Create Precisely Targeted, High-Quality Content 

High-quality content remains the most effective way to boost your marketing success. When you cast a wide geographic net for your content publication, it is less likely to resonate with so many different people from so many different places. Geofencing marketing encourages more precisely constructed content aimed at a specific consumer base, ultimately strengthening your company’s brand image within the targeted area. 

6. Connect with the Customers that are Most likely to do Business with you 

Many businesses sell online, and your brand may rely heavily on customer orders from locations other than your physical store. Local customers in your community, on the other hand, are the backbone of your brand’s longevity. Your geofencing marketing efforts can help you build a strong local following that you can grow over time, and you can create more geofences if you open multiple retail locations. 

7. Geofencing Marketing is Cheap and Effective 

If your marketing team is already using the Google AdWords platform, then your company has the tools it needs to launch an effective geofencing marketing campaign. Google allows businesses to set location-based parameters for their paid ads and business listings at no additional cost. You can target your paid ads to appear in international territories, the United States and Canada, a specific region, a single state, or a mileage radius you specify. 

8. Geofencing Marketing can Elevate Data-Gathering Efforts 

When you tailor your marketing strategy to a specific geofenced area, you collect more detailed data from customers than you would from a broader digital marketing campaign. When a customer visits your retail store as a result of a geofenced advertisement, you can collect information such as visit duration, spending, messaging effectiveness, and much more. 

9. Geofencing Marketing Strategy can Enable your brand to deliver more customized experiences to your target audience 

The data gathered from a geofencing marketing campaign can assist your marketing team in developing content and promotions that are more closely aligned with the preferences, needs, goals, and interests of your targeted customers. 

10. Keeping your Geofence Small Results in more Precisely Targeted Marketing 

When you connect on a personal level with a local audience, you automatically improve your brand’s image with those potential customers. When customers know your brand is in touch with their local lifestyle, community, and topical issues, you create a stronger impression that increases the likelihood of that customer returning to do business with you in the future. 

In a Nutshell 

You may require a little more at times to remain relevant to your customers. Geofencing is one method for ensuring your network is where it should be. Any brand with a physical retail location as well as a digital presence should be aware of how geofencing marketing works and the potential benefits of implementing this type of marketing strategy. A geofencing marketing campaign helps to build a brand’s local following and credibility over time, and business leaders can expand their organizations physically and digitally with greater confidence thanks to detailed geofencing marketing campaigns. 

If you’re trying to increase traffic to your physical locations. Geofences around each location that entice customers with limited-time promotions are fantastic tools for leveraging location data in your favor in this case. One of the most appealing aspects of geofencing technology is its low cost. Neither Facebook nor Google AdWords charge a fee for geofencing functionality. Simply select your target locations, create your campaign, and monitor the results. 

B2B Business Marketing Startup Marketing

How are Startups Leveraging B2B Marketing Strategies?

Let’s understand how start-up business marketing helps in overall development of your brand


It’s so exciting to hear about innovations taking place every second around the world. What is more exciting is that every start-up innovation will have a unique b2b marketing strategies to promote their venture, right?

What’s a start-up without an awesome marketing strategy? It’s like baking a cake without frosting. It doesn’t make sense, right?

You obviously want your brand to get the applause it deserves, so go ahead and choose the right marketing strategy for your creation and stay ahead of the competition!

What is a Start-up B2B Marketing Strategy?

A start-up strategy for b2b marketing is a plan that is curated around the needs of your brand, within the budget allotted by a start-up with a promise of maximum growth and profits than the traditional methods of already existing marketing!

Start-up B2B Marketing Strategy

Simply put, marketing strategies for an already established firm would differ from those of a start-up. There will be differences in terms of targets, budgets, timelines and much more. So, to think of applying traditional methods of marketing to start-up organizations would be a strategy of failure!

The start-up b2b digital marketing strategies are created with the best interest for your venture in mind, whether it needs to have a strong base to build your business or fast & rapid result-based strategies.

According to the usual understanding, you need to have a strong solid base to stand your start-up on, no venture can last for long with just paid promotions or advertising!

Yes, advertising is also very important, if applied correctly, maintaining a balance would do wonders for your start-up!

Now that we have a somewhat clear picture of what a start-up marketing strategy is, let’s see how we can apply it correctly, or rather EFFECTIVELY!

To do the absolute best for your venture, you should

  • Be inquisitive and ask questions
  • Think & strategize differently
  • Trust the process & be unique

Let’s get started with the above-mentioned magical rules!

1. Be Inquisitive & ask Questions

If you have an idea in your mind and you have successfully planned to make a product out of it, then the next step is to make the target audience think they need this product.

You see an opportunity, develop a product around it, think of ways in which you can make it better & usable for consumers.

There’s plenty of competition in the market, with the same idea as yours. How will you make your product stand out from others? This is where marketing comes into play.

It’s your creation & you should make sure it gets nothing but the best. Whenever you are presented with a strategy for your start-up marketing, don’t be afraid to ask questions to get clarity. Marketers always look forward to participation and input from the creators as they get a better understanding of the brand and furthermore, miscommunication is out of the picture.

2. Think & Strategize Effectively

Don’t be afraid to go the extra mile for your brand, think outside of the box when it comes to promoting your idea.

When you know what is needed and you aim towards making that opportunity into a useful product, you have to be completely devoted to it. As a start-up you need to understand which aspects are important for you to highlight, coordinate with your marketing team, and focus working on those aspects.

Think & Strategize Effectively

A start-up marketing could include services like strategizing your content, brand identity, lead generation, market research and much more. As a startup you do need results on your actions to generate revenue with the limited resources & deadlines to meet, so yes there needs to be a proper strategy, a step-by-step action plan to put things in place & get the work started.

3. Trust the Process & be Unique

Patience & perseverance are two vital attributes needed for a start-up. Things will take time, Rome was not built in a day, start-up marketing involves a lot of planning and strategizing. Why it was mentioned that you have to trust the process was because a lot of start-ups try to invent their own new marketing strategies and in doing so, they lose the element of structure and therefore end up being lost in the market.

You have to trust the actionable strategies and make them unique with your product development. For example, dove soaps are not recreated again & again, rather they are just improving their product with smart consumer centric marketing strategies to sell more. That’s what you should focus on, developing your product as per consumer understanding and not inventing something new every time!

5 Startup Marketing Strategies you can use for Effective Results

1. Understand the Core Needs of your Business

You cannot enter the market with an incomplete product, that’s for sure, nobody wants a half-cooked meal. As an entrepreneur you need to understand what your product is and what your business requirements are.

If we talk about core business needs, there are basically business operations, marketing, finance and human resource management, each of these individual fields have their own specifications that contribute towards the success & failure of the organization.

Being a start-up, you have to make it a point to maintain a perfect balance between all these departments, and that they should function properly. Once you start with marketing your brand, all these business needs come into play & contribute towards the success of the campaigns!

2. Be Clear with your Business Message

Always focus on presenting your audiences with a clear & unified message, do not puzzle them with jargon. Simply put, your product should do what it says!

You create a product with the thought that it is a problem-solving tool for consumers, that by using the product their life will get a bit easier, so how can to describe it with a difficult message tone? So, whenever you are strategizing your content make sure the message is clear and concise!

Your message should not be about your business, rather it should describe how your product/service can be a problem solver for the community, always highlight what betterment your product can bring in for society.

3. Create Effective Marketing Campaigns

It is very important for your brand to be supported with effective marketing campaigns. Start-up marketing campaigns run with a vision to highlight your brand as creatively as possible, keeping in mind that it reaches the target audiences.

Create Effective Marketing Campaigns

Marketing campaigns are also a very great source of lead generation, so with the right strategy in place, you will be able to establish your presence in the marketspace, provided your campaigns should be effective with a clear message.

For example: brands like Dove, Nike, Amazon & Zomato, always highlight how their products will contribute in the development of the society in their marketing campaigns. Even though they are industry giants now, but they were a start-up at some point, right? They focused on strategies that mattered and are keeping a unified message tone till date!

4. Compose Relevant & User Centric Content

Content Marketing Services, the heart & soul of your brand. Content is the ultimate king, the core of online marketing. You can think of a crazy amazing idea, build an extremely fantastic website for it.. Do the best optimization, but if the content is not powerful and useful for the audience then you are out of the competition.

To deliver valuable content to your audience, make sure your content has these elements in it

  • Informative
  • Relevant
  • Educational
  • Entertaining

5. Make your Product a Problem-Solving Tool

An idea is born out of an opportunity, we all know this, so imagine not highlighting that initial seed of inspiration while marketing your product. If you are working towards making people’s lives better then that should happen through the product you created, or else it will not stand strong in the market.

Product a Problem-Solving Tool

People should believe in your product; they should feel that if they are not buying this product then they are missing out on something very important. You should market your product as a problem-solving tool and your brand as visionaries, who identified the issues and are working towards rectifying them through innovative solutions for the general public!

In a Nutshell

The above information was dedicated to understanding start-up business marketing better, and how if applied strategically can build a strong consumer base with actionable insights. Through different aspects of managing your campaigns you can walk on the path of achieving your goals.

Creative content, clear message and understanding your business are attributes that contribute to the success of your innovation. So, balance these areas correctly rather efficiently and you will never see downfall.


Step into the Future with Revolutionary NFT Solutions

Changes, developments & innovations are taking place every second around us. It is now important to stay unique and authentic to your visions & ideas.

This is where Non-Fungible Token (NFT) comes into play. Let’s understand it better! 

In other words, NFTs are non-fungible digital assets that can’t be replaced because of their distinctive nature.

These assets give you the power to own something unique of your own. Once you have created an NFT, you can get started with NFT marketing services for trading your work! 

NFTs have given a chance to artists of all levels, be it a million-dollar brand or an independent artist, everyone can place their art online and create a space of their own. 

Develop Strong & Creative NFTs

NFT marketplace is subject to market risks and extreme competition, hence it is essential to stay authentic & unique with your product ideology.  

Research can take place in many ways, one, research about the marketplace, know the ins and outs of it, do competitor analysis, understand the risks and challenges involved and then identify your target audience. 


Secondly, you should do product-based research. Your art, GIF, domain name, and article should be well thought out, making it unique from the ones that are already available. With all the excitement regarding owning a digital arsenal, staying authentic is the only way to keep it from getting lost in the crowd.

Third, make sure to stick to the story/ideology behind your collection, clearly define its unique selling proposition in the promotional as well as generating hype stages. This is the only way you will be able to capture your target consumer base and therefore will help you to sell it to them.  


How is it a Game Changer in the Market?

In the last couple of years, the world has been through an unforeseen pandemic, where we were forced to stay at home & the time stood still, but did it? 

Humans got introduced to a new way of living, working from home, where everything started taking place online, from doing business to attending school. Despite some lows in this lifestyle, there were some great up notes as well, NFTs, they started to boom in this environment and the market completely changed. 

With the introduction of NFT digital marketing services, the market got more structured, strategic and systematic.  

NFT Digital Marketing introduction
Game Changer

While these NFTs are becoming everyone’s topic of interest, one cannot completely ignore the fact that there are many market risks involved while dealing with NFT buying and selling cause of the nature of the market. Threats like cyber hacking, and sudden dip in the market scenario can affect your NFTs. It’s better to be well aware of these unforeseen situations & challenges beforehand.  


Challenges & Risks in NFT Market Space

It’s amazing to witness how much NFT business is helping people grow their brand value. There is plenty of artwork & other assets being sold digitally on a daily basis within a matter of seconds. And it is noticeably visible that people prefer shopping online, from the comfort of their home, instead of going out and buying or selling stuff in physical markets.  

NFT Market Space

With comfort it also brings risk factors like cyber-attacks and online frauds. Manipulating smart contracts, even a minor flaw in these programs can directly impact the security of transactions online. 

Another risk is the uncertainty of determining the price of NFT as it is completely dependent on how creative, innovative and unique your idea is and the number of buyers willing to buy the NFT. The price fluctuations keep impacting on the buying and selling process as there are no fixed prices for any type of NFT. 

There are no legal boundaries or regulations for the NFT market space as of now. Different countries have different understandings of the NFT market. There needs to be one for all legal framework, jurisdiction applicable for market places all over the world. 

With the increase of popularity in the NFT market there has been a growth in fraudulent stores online. These stores look unbelievably real because they are made with proper content and information but are fake.  

Understanding these risks and challenges will help you make better decisions while navigating through the NFT market space.    


How NFT Digital Marketing Services Benefit You?

Being around dynamic competition, one has to make sure their idea is unique and with the proper marketing services can get the applause it deserves. NFT marketing services keep you on the right track for success by giving your assets more structure.  

With the support of Marketing services, your NFT assets will be highlighted in the way they are planned to be. When you create something, it is natural you envision that it will bring the returns of some kind, to be able to achieve that, proper planning Is required, marketing services give you that strong hold, it brings along with it, brand establishment, growth rate, capturing the right audience, updated market knowledge and much more! 

So why not be a part of this great journey and grow your NFT’s digital market presence! 


Strategize Your Creation, Buying & Selling!

Once you have a vision behind the creation of your NFT, you also need to start thinking about how it will be presented out in the world. Brand your idea in a way that boosts your assets in the trade market.     

Correct marketing strategies will help your creation develop a market presence and therefore will not get lost in the crowd. Let your vision be an asset to you. It is vital for you to understand that something that is seen is sold… Ergo with strategizing your trading process, you’ll be able to deliver the best in the trade business. 


Take Your NFT Promotional Services Seriously

Why limit yourself to a small number of audiences, go global! 

Promote your NFTs in an elegant and effective way through actionable promotional activities. 

One should not underestimate the power of digital media platforms and their benefits. It is a great source for connecting with a large number of people at once. Trading platforms work in a similar way, there are also a large number of buyers, sellers & creators of NFTs, who are functioning under one roof, performing similar tasks as you are.  

It’s important to build your community, create hype about your NFT to capture your audience before you launch the product, as it will keep them hooked to explore what’s next. The more people know, the more attraction and traffic it will gain. 

With the correct promotional pursuit, you can make your NFT stand out from the crowd and top the list. Globalize your idea and reach out to your audience at the right time and with the right strategies.  


Choose Right NFT Digital Marketing agency

For your idea to grow and be available for the world, you have to make sure it is backed by strong digital marketing solutions. Every vision has a strong story behind it, and a dream to share it with the world makes it even more special. 

There are many marketing service agencies present in the market, one can be overwhelmed with the choices. To identify what goes best for your growth you need to research whether the company provides: 

  • NFT Listing Service: A solution built around to help assist NFT creators list their assets at the top of the charts in the marketplaces. The experts should make sure that your creation gets attention and applause.
  • Influencer Marketing Service: It is vital for a creation’s recognition process to be well known in the marketplace. Make sure your choice of agency has a well-knit influencer market network which can help you spread the word about your assets in the digital space and eventually it is the most feasible way to reach out to your potential customers.
  • Community Marketing Service: It is very important to create a strong market presence. With the right choice of company your NFT will get the recognition and goodwill that it deserves in the community. Which further helps in building brand credibility among the members.
  • NFT Minting Advisory Service: Get proper advisory and guidance on your NFT minting, the process of publishing your token/asset on blockchain and making it purchasable. Be aware of the current market changes and updates.
  • Content Marketing Service: It is essential for your creation to be highlighted in the marketplace and content plays an indispensable role in doing so. Through captivating content, NFTs can be understood well by their users and integrate NFTs into a content marketing strategy to captivate audiences, drive engagement, and unlock new levels of creativity and monetization.
  • Social Media Marketing: In this digital day & age, creating a social media presence is essential for the reach and growth of your brand. Marketing agencies should be able to create innovative strategies to accelerate your profile reach with the motive to engage the crypto community for your NFTs. 
  • Email Marketing Service: Agencies should be able to share the databases of NFT industry influencers to share significant updates about your NFT assets. 
  • Public Relation Services: In the beginning it might be a little difficult to figure out where to begin from.  Public relation agencies help you determine the workflow and help you reach your consumers through proper channels and strategies. 

Need Assistance? Talk to Our Experts Now


NFTs are the future for sure, and we are just witnessing the beginning of this revolution. The feasibility and freedom it offers is attracting a major chunk of the young population.  

It is promoting a new wave of creativity, a platform developed to showcase your art and ability to keep innovating is helping many to stand on their own. It’s really all about being aware of your surroundings and acting accordingly. 

Once we have laws created and adapted by countries then these frauds will eventually decrease.