Digital Marketing - Woosper
Search Engine Optimization Services

The Impact of Core Web Vitals on SEO Ranking


Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is essential for attracting visitors to your website. A key part of SEO Services that’s often overlooked is user experience, which is where Core Web Vitals come in. These are metrics used by Google to assess how well a webpage performs in terms of loading speed, interactivity, and visual stability.   

Improving these factors can boost your site’s search rankings. To succeed in SEO, a digital marketing firm needs to plan and execute every detail that enhances site performance and user experience. By optimizing Core Web Vitals, you can improve your search rankings and provide a better experience for your visitors.  

Regularly monitoring and improving your site’s performance is also important for achieving higher rankings. In this post, we will cover everything you need to know about core web vitals!   

What are Core Web Vitals? 

Core Web Vitals are metrics introduced by Google in 2020 to measure a website’s user experience. They focus on interactivity, visual stability, and page loading speed. These factors are crucial for user satisfaction, and a digital marketing firm and SEO professionals can use them to enhance their site’s performance. 

Understanding Core Web Vital Metrics 

Core Web Vitals significantly impact your SEO Services because they affect your search rankings.

Types of core web vitals

Here’s a look at these metrics and their SEO impact:  

  • Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) measures how long it takes for a page’s main content to load, ideally within 2.5 seconds. A fast LCP ensures users see and use your content quickly. 
  • Interaction to Next Paint (INP): This measures how quickly your page responds to user actions. To ensure a smooth experience, try to keep it under 200 milliseconds. 
  • Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) measures how much the layout shifts while the page loads, with a recommended score of less than or equal to 0.1. A low CLS means elements remain stable, enhancing user experience. High CLS can be disruptive and lead to poor user experience, affecting your SEO negatively.  

Google uses these metrics to evaluate how user-friendly your website is. Good Core Web Vitals scores can boost your search rankings, leading to increased visibility and traffic. Moreover, by integrating AI into technical SEO, finding and fixing problems to improve the user experience will become easier. 

Tools to Measure Core Web Vitals 

To enhance user experience, you can measure Core Web Vitals using below mentioned tools: 


Lighthouse helps developers improve websites by identifying issues and providing new metrics like Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) and Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS), which are crucial for Core Web Vitals. The latest version, Lighthouse 6.0, includes these metrics in the performance score and introduces Total Blocking Time (TBT). Following its recommendations and using Lighthouse CI can enhance user experience and measure Core Web Vitals before deployment. 

PageSpeed Insights 

PageSpeed Insights (PSI) shows how your page performs in real-world scenarios and provides practical tips for improvement. It helps pinpoint per-page issues and assess whether pages meet Core Web Vitals standards. 

Chrome DevTools Performance Panel 

The Chrome DevTools Performance panel’s new features help debug layout shifts and measure Total Blocking Time (TBT). Use the panel to analyze unexpected layout changes and assess input responsiveness. TBT, a lab measure, helps predict Interaction to Next Paint (INP) in real-world use. 

Search Console 

The new Core Web Vitals report in Search Console helps you identify pages that need improvement by categorizing performance with metrics like LCP, INP, and CLS. It offers a comprehensive view of your site’s performance and provides detailed optimization tips to enhance your page load times. 

Web Vitals Extension 

The Web Vitals extension for Google Chrome provides real-time Core Web Vitals metrics. It’s useful for detecting issues early and evaluating performance as you browse. Download it from the Chrome Web Store. 

Ranking Factors to Track Lighthouse Scores 

Lighthouse assesses your website’s SEO services through 14 specific audits. Each audit is scored, and these scores contribute to the overall SEO rating. However, a perfect score of 100 doesn’t guarantee high Google rankings, as other factors like content relevance and domain authority also play a role. 

Here are the ranking factors to track Lighthouse Score:  

Core Web Vitals


Lighthouse helps you check how well your website performs by looking at key metrics. If your site isn’t performing well, Lighthouse can find the problems by: 

  • Pointing out scripts that make your site slow due to the prolonged blockage of important tasks. 
  • Identifying the specific elements on your page that cause delays in loading crucial content, helping you speed up your site’s load time. 


Lighthouse helps make your website more accessible for everyone to use, including people with disabilities: 

  • Links without descriptive text are identified, making them more accessible to screen readers. 
  • Fields lacking labels are highlighted to avoid confusion for users with assistive technologies. 
  • Screenshots of text and elements with insufficient color contrast are shown to ensure readability. 
  • Links and buttons that are too small for easy tapping on mobile devices are pinpointed. 

Best Practices 

Lighthouse enhances your website’s safety and usability by recommending code improvements for better browser efficiency and alerting you to common security vulnerabilities, such as cross-site scripting (XSS), to protect your site from potential attacks. 


Lighthouse provides advice on how to improve your website’s search engine optimization (SEO): 

  • By providing tips to improve how search engines crawl your site, ensuring your content is indexed more effectively. 
  • By understanding potential reasons behind your site’s lower-than-expected rankings and strategies to address these issues. 

How to Use Lighthouse Insights 

Lighthouse offers valuable tips, but they are just a starting point. Use its recommendations to find and fix specific problems on your site. Although Lighthouse doesn’t cover everything, its insights are a great way to make your website faster, more accessible, and better optimized for search engines. By acting on these tips, you can create a better experience for your users and improve your site’s overall performance. 

Impact of Page Experience and Core Web Vitals on Search Rankings 

Page Experience significantly impacts your SEO services and overall business success. A well-designed, user-friendly page can lead to higher search rankings, attracting more visitors and increasing traffic. When users have a positive experience, marked by quick load times, easy navigation, and clear content—they’re likely to stay longer, explore more, and convert into customers.

Search Engine Optimization

Enhancing page experience can also build trust, making users more inclined to take desired actions like signing up for newsletters or making purchases. 

Core Web Vitals, which include metrics like Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), Interaction to Next Paint (INP), and Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS), are crucial for measuring how well your site performs in terms of speed, interactivity, and stability.  

A good score in these areas can boost your rankings in Google’s search results. Additionally, ensuring mobile friendliness, using HTTPS for security, and avoiding intrusive ads can further improve your site’s performance. Regular monitoring with tools like Google Search Console and SE Ranking will help you maintain a high-quality user experience and optimize your site for better search visibility. 

Best Practices to Improve Core Web Vitals Metrics 

Core Web Vitals impact how well your site ranks on search engines. Improving them can make your site faster and more user-friendly.

Here are eight straightforward ways to boost your scores: 

Use Caching 

Caching stores copies of your web pages to reduce server load and speed up page delivery. Install a caching plugin like W3 Total Cache or WP Rocket to boost your site’s performance by serving preloaded pages. 

Fix Render-Blocking Resources 

Render-blocking resources like CSS and JavaScript can delay page loading. Minify and combine these files to speed up load times. Tools like WP Rocket can help automate this process. 

Defer JavaScript Loading 

Defer loading JavaScript to make your site load faster by prioritizing visible content. Adjust settings so critical CSS loads quickly and JavaScript waits until the main content is displayed. 

Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN) 

A CDN delivers your site’s content from servers close to your users, speeding up load times. Implement a CDN like Cloudflare to improve overall performance and reduce latency. 

Optimize and Resize Images 

Compress and resize images to reduce their file size and ensure they fit properly on your site. Use tools like TinyPNG or plugins like Smush to enhance loading speed and minimize layout shifts. 

Enable Lazy Loading 

Lazy loading delays the loading of images until they’re in view, improving page speed. Enable this feature in plugins like Smush to ensure faster initial load times. 

Optimize Web Fonts 

Optimize web fonts to reduce load times and avoid layout shifts. Limit the number of fonts and weights used and consider global fonts to streamline font loading. 

Upgrade Your Hosting 

Better hosting can significantly speed up your site. Consider upgrading to a higher-tier or managed WordPress hosting plan for improved performance and reliability. 

Leverage the impact of core web vitals on SEO Rankings with Woosper! 

Focusing on Core Web Vitals can dramatically enhance both your user experience and your search engine rankings. A site with top-notch metrics like LCP, INP, and CLS is more likely to climb the search engine ladder, but don’t forget quality content, smart linking, and strong backlinks are also key players in SEO success. 

To truly elevate your site’s performance, you need a well-rounded strategy and expertise in the latest tools and techniques. That’s where SEO services specialists like Woosper’s come in.  

Our team of technical SEO professionals is dedicated to fine-tuning every aspect of your website, ensuring it not only performs at its best but also stands out in search results.  

Let us help you turn your website into a high-performing, ranking powerhouse! 



To test Core Web Vitals, you can use Google’s tools like Search Console or Lighthouse. These tools help you monitor and evaluate your site’s performance based on these essential metrics. 

According to Google’s guidelines, a good Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) score is 2.5 seconds or less. This means your page should load its main content within this time frame to provide a smooth user experience. 

Page Experience is a broader evaluation that looks at the overall quality of individual web pages to enhance user satisfaction. Core Web Vitals, on the other hand, focuses specifically on the speed, responsiveness, and visual stability of a page to measure how well it loads and performs for users. 

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Geofencing Marketing

Essentials of Geofencing Marketing & Its Benefits For Business

You can use Geofencing marketing to reach out to your target audience while they are shopping with your competitor, browsing your offline or online store, or even preparing to use your service. But first let’s understand what geofencing marketing is. 

Consider how much more efficient it is to target specific buildings and areas for a company as opposed to a 1-mile or 2-mile radius of the location you want to target. You can use geofencing to create individual fences around specific locations where you know your ideal client frequents. Consider a personal injury attorney who wishes to reach out to accident victims. Targeting hospitals and ER centers may be the ideal place to showcase your ads in order to increase awareness and direct response for your law firm. 

What is Geofencing Marketing? 

Geofencing marketing is a type of location-based advertising that allows marketers to more precisely target their advertising and content delivery based on the targeted area such as a store, mobile apps, or mobile websites. Marketers can better connect with the people who live in those areas by using geofencing marketing. Before approaching the top digital marketing Agency to enlist their services for Geofence marketing, it is critical that you become more acquainted with the intricacies of this type of marketing. 

What is Geofencing Marketing?

Technologies Used in Geofencing Marketing 

Geofencing, as a location-based technology, relies on a number of technologies, including Wi-Fi, GPS, radio-frequency identification (RFID), and Bluetooth. That was unthinkable decades ago, but it is now a reality for business owners. 

Geofence technology, used in location-based marketing, essentially creates a virtual boundary that automatically targets consumers who cross the boundary into the geofenced area. Geofencing marketing is an effective tool for marketing teams to deliver brand messages to the right customers at the right time. 

Technologies Used in Geofencing Marketing 

The marketing team creates advertisements and content that are specifically tailored to the targeted consumers. People in New York City have very different needs and priorities than people in rural Kansas, so creating content that appeals to both audiences would almost certainly be a waste of time. 

Geofencing works by directing internet-capable devices within the geofenced area. Customers may receive alerts or notifications about your brand’s current offers, limited-time promotions, and events where they can interact with your brand when they travel into these areas. 

Let’s look at a few examples of how Geofencing Marketing can take place 

  • Law firms and healthcare providers, for example, can geofence their advertising efforts to specific service areas. 
  • Companies that travel for marketing events and industry conferences could use geofences to establish brand awareness ahead of their local appearances. 
  • A business owner could set up a geofence to capture potential customers who are leaving a competitor’s location in order to entice them with more appealing deals. 
  • A physical retail store could set up a geofence in the vicinity of its physical location. A business owner, for example, could set the geofence to a 20-mile radius around the store to focus on the nearest potential customers. 

Cost of Geofencing Marketing 

Geofencing marketing costs, on average, between USD 4-USD 14 CPM (cpm=cost per thousand impressions). Be prepared to pay USD 5 for targeting 20 thousand square feet on specific ad platforms such as Snapchat. The exact price is determined by a number of factors, including: 

  • The Type of Reporting You Want – Not all geofencing reports created are equal. Some may provide a detailed breakdown of impressions by location, while others may only provide an overview of the campaign. Make sure to budget for the level of reporting and targeting features. 
  • What Level of Data Layering Do you Require? – The more data you want from your geofencing campaign, the more expensive it will be. So, a campaign that would normally cost a few thousand dollars can easily double or triple in price depending on the extra features you want to include. It is best to speak with your agency and work out a plan that meets your needs while keeping costs low. 

These can have a significant impact on the cost of your campaign. It’s simple: installing twenty geofences in a single location will undoubtedly cost more than installing a single geofence throughout the entire location. Furthermore, when the geofence is larger, the CPM is lower because there is more volume and inventory.

Let’s Explore 10 Advantages of Geofencing Marketing 

1. Optimized Data and Analytics 

Analytics is a critical component of geofencing marketing. It is data-driven, providing actionable information to your marketing team or marketing provider for your next campaign. Geofencing also provides real-time data to your team. 

2. Improve User Engagement 

Based on the data you collect; you can improve your campaigns and increase user engagement rates. You’re also learning which calls-to-action (CTAs) and ad copy are most effective in your target market. In short, you’re honing your audience in order to achieve better results. 

3. Increase Shopper Loyalty 

To build and maintain consumer loyalty, use geofencing marketing. It costs ten times more to acquire a new customer than it does to keep an existing one. That is why establishing shopper loyalty is so important in today’s market. Geofencing marketing can benefit your business without always offering promotions or discounts. 

4. Target Users at the Location 

You can target users while they are in the target location using geofencing. They could be using their smartphone, tablet, or laptop to play apps or browse websites when they see your ads. So you can target them and speak to them while they are present. 

5. You can Create Precisely Targeted, High-Quality Content 

High-quality content remains the most effective way to boost your marketing success. When you cast a wide geographic net for your content publication, it is less likely to resonate with so many different people from so many different places. Geofencing marketing encourages more precisely constructed content aimed at a specific consumer base, ultimately strengthening your company’s brand image within the targeted area. 

6. Connect with the Customers that are Most likely to do Business with you 

Many businesses sell online, and your brand may rely heavily on customer orders from locations other than your physical store. Local customers in your community, on the other hand, are the backbone of your brand’s longevity. Your geofencing marketing efforts can help you build a strong local following that you can grow over time, and you can create more geofences if you open multiple retail locations. 

7. Geofencing Marketing is Cheap and Effective 

If your marketing team is already using the Google AdWords platform, then your company has the tools it needs to launch an effective geofencing marketing campaign. Google allows businesses to set location-based parameters for their paid ads and business listings at no additional cost. You can target your paid ads to appear in international territories, the United States and Canada, a specific region, a single state, or a mileage radius you specify. 

8. Geofencing Marketing can Elevate Data-Gathering Efforts 

When you tailor your marketing strategy to a specific geofenced area, you collect more detailed data from customers than you would from a broader digital marketing campaign. When a customer visits your retail store as a result of a geofenced advertisement, you can collect information such as visit duration, spending, messaging effectiveness, and much more. 

9. Geofencing Marketing Strategy can Enable your brand to deliver more customized experiences to your target audience 

The data gathered from a geofencing marketing campaign can assist your marketing team in developing content and promotions that are more closely aligned with the preferences, needs, goals, and interests of your targeted customers. 

10. Keeping your Geofence Small Results in more Precisely Targeted Marketing 

When you connect on a personal level with a local audience, you automatically improve your brand’s image with those potential customers. When customers know your brand is in touch with their local lifestyle, community, and topical issues, you create a stronger impression that increases the likelihood of that customer returning to do business with you in the future. 

In a Nutshell 

You may require a little more at times to remain relevant to your customers. Geofencing is one method for ensuring your network is where it should be. Any brand with a physical retail location as well as a digital presence should be aware of how geofencing marketing works and the potential benefits of implementing this type of marketing strategy. A geofencing marketing campaign helps to build a brand’s local following and credibility over time, and business leaders can expand their organizations physically and digitally with greater confidence thanks to detailed geofencing marketing campaigns. 

If you’re trying to increase traffic to your physical locations. Geofences around each location that entice customers with limited-time promotions are fantastic tools for leveraging location data in your favor in this case. One of the most appealing aspects of geofencing technology is its low cost. Neither Facebook nor Google AdWords charge a fee for geofencing functionality. Simply select your target locations, create your campaign, and monitor the results. 


TopDevelopers Lists Woosper Amongst  Top 100 Digital Marketing Agencies, in their recent press release, announced top 100 digital marketing agencies for the year 2022. Woosper was mentioned among one of them. It truly is an honor for Woosper to be ranked as one of the top 100 digital marketing agencies.   

Woosper is a digital marketing company with years of delivering successful results with remarkable branding strategies. We have a social media marketing, marketing, and advertisers’ team that sets apart expertise in the vast marketing industry. Woosper is based in India with an office in Chatsworth, USA.  

Woosper team begins every project with a clear idea; we map out every aspect of our client’s requirement, the suggestion given before, and the need before finalizing any result.  

Our team of marketers, writers, project strategists, and dedicated project managers strengthens our daily capacities. Our expertise in branding, comprehensive solutions, and constant investment in new techniques and tools- keep us ahead of our competition. Thus, it gives us a heads-up impression among some top marketing agencies.  

Woosper has an updated profile on TopDevelopers created for our potential clients to know our overall progress and go through projects effectively. Through the shape, we can communicate with our target audiences about our earlier work with honesty and transparency.   

Who are TopDevelopers? is a directory and a trustworthy review platform for IT service providers. They offer unbiased service listing- covering genuine and professional IT firms that can guide firms to better technology services. The research team chose the best firms by filtering out gigantic agencies.  

They offer listing services for various technologies, making it an all-in-stop destination for determining the most suitable technology partner for you.  

Their in-depth research supports listed companies. TopDevelopers’ hassle-free listing process deserves applause for the great job they have been doing and for being amazingly supportive. The team is also credited for solving technical issues and providing swift assistance. We are again thankful to TopDevelopers for ranking Woosper as one of the top 100 digital marketing companies in USA.